Process View
The network for 'filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.
The process in which a group of unicellular organisms grow in a threadlike, filamentous shape.
Name | Description | Probability | Func Analog Organism |
Name | Description | Probability | Func Analog Organism |
STE12 | Ste12p | 0.993 | |
SNF1 | Snf1p | 0.945 | |
STE11 | Ste11p | 0.940 | |
STE7 | Ste7p | 0.939 | |
CLA4 | Cla4p | 0.929 | |
NPR1 | Npr1p | 0.928 | |
TEC1 | Tec1p | 0.923 | |
MUC1 | Muc1p | 0.916 | |
GLN3 | Gln3p | 0.900 | |
FLO8 | Flo8p | 0.874 | |
MSS11 | Mss11p | 0.868 | |
REG1 | Reg1p | 0.853 | |
KSS1 | Kss1p | 0.825 | |
SSK1 | Ssk1p | 0.805 | |
IRA1 | Ira1p | 0.794 | |
SNF4 | Snf4p | 0.779 | |
BEM1 | Bem1p | 0.737 | |
SLT2 | Slt2p | 0.701 | |
TPK2 | Tpk2p | 0.635 | |
CDC25 | Cdc25p | 0.625 | |
IME4 | Ime4p | 0.612 | |
HSL1 | Hsl1p | 0.568 | |
RIM101 | Rim101p | 0.553 | |
HRK1 | Hrk1p | 0.542 | |
CSR2 | Csr2p | 0.527 | |
BMH1 | Bmh1p | 0.522 | |
MSN4 | Msn4p | 0.516 | |
FUS3 | Fus3p | 0.494 | |
TPK1 | Tpk1p | 0.485 | |
CTI6 | Cti6p | 0.458 | |
SWI1 | Swi1p | 0.454 | |
CMK2 | Cmk2p | 0.453 | |
FKH2 | Fkh2p | 0.448 | |
YOR385W | hypothetical protein | 0.412 | |
SSK2 | Ssk2p | 0.409 | |
STE20 | Ste20p | 0.408 | |
PHO23 | Pho23p | 0.401 | |
CYC8 | Cyc8p | 0.393 | |
GPR1 | Gpr1p | 0.386 | |
CKA1 | Cka1p | 0.376 | |
SWI4 | Swi4p | 0.375 | |
HSL7 | Hsl7p | 0.368 | |
MKS1 | Mks1p | 0.356 | |
HAL5 | Hal5p | 0.349 | |
KSP1 | Ksp1p | 0.328 | |
MDS3 | Mds3p | 0.326 | |
UBA4 | Uba4p | 0.326 | |
PTK2 | Ptk2p | 0.315 | |
DOT6 | Dot6p | 0.304 | |
MSN1 | Msn1p | 0.297 | |
SIP1 | Sip1p | 0.294 | |
SLG1 | Slg1p | 0.294 | |
DIG1 | Dig1p | 0.289 | |
YDL233W | hypothetical protein | 0.283 | |
HOG1 | Hog1p | 0.272 | |
VIP1 | Vip1p | 0.269 | |
HMS1 | Hms1p | 0.266 | |
SKS1 | Sks1p | 0.256 | |
SNF5 | Snf5p | 0.252 | |
MGA1 | Mga1p | 0.251 | |
RAS2 | Ras2p | 0.248 | |
HAP4 | Hap4p | 0.247 | |
CUP2 | Cup2p | 0.245 | |
BEM4 | Bem4p | 0.244 | |
MEP1 | Mep1p | 0.240 | |
SIN3 | Sin3p | 0.233 | |
RIM20 | Rim20p | 0.233 | |
SMI1 | Smi1p | 0.230 | |
CDC55 | Cdc55p | 0.228 | |
WHI3 | Whi3p | 0.228 | |
YLR455W | hypothetical protein | 0.227 | |
TPS1 | Tps1p | 0.226 | |
MOT2 | Mot2p | 0.225 | |
YKR015C | hypothetical protein | 0.221 | |
ITC1 | Itc1p | 0.220 | |
NDD1 | Ndd1p | 0.220 | |
IXR1 | Ixr1p | 0.218 | |
ROD1 | Rod1p | 0.217 | |
VPS27 | Vps27p | 0.213 | |
STE5 | Ste5p | 0.210 | |
CDC12 | Cdc12p | 0.203 | |
DAL80 | Dal80p | 0.202 | |
BEM3 | Bem3p | 0.200 | |
YEL007W | hypothetical protein | 0.198 | |
SLZ1 | Slz1p | 0.197 | |
GIC2 | Gic2p | 0.194 | |
MSB2 | Msb2p | 0.191 | |
DSE2 | Dse2p | 0.187 | |
NPR3 | Npr3p | 0.186 | |
NCS6 | Ncs6p | 0.177 | |
FAR1 | Far1p | 0.177 | |
URE2 | Ure2p | 0.174 | |
CTS1 | Cts1p | 0.170 | |
SSN3 | Ssn3p | 0.170 | |
YKR075C | hypothetical protein | 0.168 | |
NRG1 | Nrg1p | 0.164 | |
MSG5 | Msg5p | 0.162 | |
UME1 | Ume1p | 0.156 | |
CDC42 | Cdc42p | 0.156 | |
GAL83 | Gal83p | 0.151 |