The network for 'eosinophil activation' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

eosinophil activation

The change in morphology and behavior of a eosinophil resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
CCR5 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 1.000
CCL4 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 0.996
TFF1 trefoil factor 1 0.964
CXCL9 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 0.941
IL8 interleukin 8 0.894
CCL13 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 13 0.741
CXCL10 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 0.695
DPP4 dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 0.686
CCL19 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 19 0.669
IL1B interleukin 1, beta 0.607
IDE insulin-degrading enzyme 0.589
CCR7 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7 0.586
ANKRD27 ankyrin repeat domain 27 (VPS9 domain) 0.506
CXCR6 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 6 0.496
IL2RB interleukin 2 receptor, beta 0.454
CCL22 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 22 0.445
CCL7 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 7 0.429
IFNG interferon, gamma 0.407
CCR1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 0.376
CCL18 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (pulmonary and activation-regulated) 0.370
CCL3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 0.360
CCL8 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 8 0.340
IL10 interleukin 10 0.330
CCL11 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 11 0.327
IL6 interleukin 6 (interferon, beta 2) 0.259
TNFRSF9 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 0.241
FPR3 formyl peptide receptor 3 0.232
CCR4 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 4 0.221
CXCL11 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 11 0.193
GZMB granzyme B (granzyme 2, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 1) 0.191
NKG7 natural killer cell group 7 sequence 0.190
CCL5 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 0.187
AGFG1 ArfGAP with FG repeats 1 0.173
CXCL2 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 0.167
CXCL3 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3 0.163
CAV2 caveolin 2 0.162
CXCL13 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 0.157
GNLY granulysin 0.156
SIGLEC1 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin 0.151
KLRD1 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily D, member 1 0.148
CXCL1 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (melanoma growth stimulating activity, alpha) 0.148
CCL2 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 0.128
IL18RAP interleukin 18 receptor accessory protein 0.127
KLRB1 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B, member 1 0.114
TNF tumor necrosis factor 0.112
VCAM1 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 0.109
INADL InaD-like (Drosophila) 0.105
RGS1 regulator of G-protein signaling 1 0.103
SELE selectin E 0.098
CXCL5 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 5 0.098
PRF1 perforin 1 (pore forming protein) 0.097
IL10RA interleukin 10 receptor, alpha 0.095
AKT2 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2 0.095
UBD ubiquitin D 0.088
MMP12 matrix metallopeptidase 12 (macrophage elastase) 0.085
GPR171 G protein-coupled receptor 171 0.081
CD83 CD83 molecule 0.078
CXCL6 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 6 (granulocyte chemotactic protein 2) 0.077
CLEC10A C-type lectin domain family 10, member A 0.073
GZMK granzyme K (granzyme 3; tryptase II) 0.072
RUNX3 runt-related transcription factor 3 0.072
SLAMF7 SLAM family member 7 0.071
LAIR1 leukocyte-associated immunoglobulin-like receptor 1 0.071
CH25H cholesterol 25-hydroxylase 0.067
CCL3L3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 3 0.066
CD80 CD80 molecule 0.063
CCR3 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 3 0.062
ADAMDEC1 ADAM-like, decysin 1 0.061
DARC Duffy blood group, chemokine receptor 0.057
HK3 hexokinase 3 (white cell) 0.057
SIGLEC7 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 7 0.056
CD48 CD48 molecule 0.055
MMP9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 (gelatinase B, 92kDa gelatinase, 92kDa type IV collagenase) 0.054
CD69 CD69 molecule 0.052
IL32 interleukin 32 0.052
ARRB1 arrestin, beta 1 0.050
CCL17 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 17 0.050
PTGS2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) 0.049
IL21R interleukin 21 receptor 0.048
IRF8 interferon regulatory factor 8 0.048
CCL21 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 21 0.048
CD160 CD160 molecule 0.045
CLEC7A C-type lectin domain family 7, member A 0.045
EBI3 Epstein-Barr virus induced 3 0.044
CCL1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 1 0.043
XCL2 chemokine (C motif) ligand 2 0.042
C5AR1 complement component 5a receptor 1 0.042
IL16 interleukin 16 (lymphocyte chemoattractant factor) 0.042
CTSW cathepsin W 0.041
HLA-DRB4 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 4 0.040
TRAF1 TNF receptor-associated factor 1 0.040
IL7R interleukin 7 receptor 0.040
GZMH granzyme H (cathepsin G-like 2, protein h-CCPX) 0.040
KLRK1 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K, member 1 0.039
CXCR3 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 3 0.039
LAMP3 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3 0.038
CCL23 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 23 0.037
DOK2 docking protein 2, 56kDa 0.037
SLAMF8 SLAM family member 8 0.036
STAT4 signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 0.036
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Ccl2 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 0.999
Ccr2 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 2 0.966
Ccr5 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 0.956
Ifng interferon gamma 0.950
Cd44 CD44 antigen 0.917
Klrk1 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K, member 1 0.814
Cd7 CD7 antigen 0.752
Ccr6 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 6 0.740
Cd180 CD180 antigen 0.696
Tnf tumor necrosis factor 0.667
Xcr1 chemokine (C motif) receptor 1 0.634
Ccr1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 0.548
Ikzf1 IKAROS family zinc finger 1 0.545
Ciita class II transactivator 0.527
Blk B lymphoid kinase 0.524
Il10 interleukin 10 0.481
Itgax integrin alpha X 0.470
Mmp9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 0.461
P2rx7 purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 7 0.436
Klra5 killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily A, member 5 0.436
Klrd1 killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily D, member 1 0.430
Foxp3 forkhead box P3 0.429
Tlr4 toll-like receptor 4 0.427
Il18rap interleukin 18 receptor accessory protein 0.397
Lyz2 lysozyme 2 0.391
Cxcr3 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 3 0.388
Map3k14 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14 0.375
Klrg1 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily G, member 1 0.368
Ccl4 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 0.352
Prdm1 PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain 0.352
Fcrla Fc receptor-like A 0.351
Tlr2 toll-like receptor 2 0.346
Selp selectin, platelet 0.339
Ncr1 natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1 0.329
Cxcl13 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 0.311
Klrb1b killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B member 1B 0.295
H2-Ob histocompatibility 2, O region beta locus 0.293
Tnfrsf4 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 4 0.286
Il12rb2 interleukin 12 receptor, beta 2 0.278
Pik3cg phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, gamma polypeptide 0.259
Icos inducible T-cell co-stimulator 0.258
Sfpi1 SFFV proviral integration 1 0.245
Fgd3 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 3 0.244
Fcer2a Fc receptor, IgE, low affinity II, alpha polypeptide 0.242
Cx3cr1 chemokine (C-X3-C) receptor 1 0.241
Cd19 CD19 antigen 0.230
Gzmk granzyme K 0.227
Cd96 CD96 antigen 0.223
Itk IL2-inducible T-cell kinase 0.221
Lta lymphotoxin A 0.221
Fasl Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6) 0.220
Ms4a1 membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1 0.210
Tnfsf14 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 14 0.201
Spn sialophorin 0.201
Ccl3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 0.199
Klrc1 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 1 0.196
Cd4 CD4 antigen 0.196
Il1r1 interleukin 1 receptor, type I 0.195
Spib Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1/PU.1 related) 0.191
Cxcr2 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 2 0.187
Itgal integrin alpha L 0.185
Gzmb granzyme B 0.177
Gpr132 G protein-coupled receptor 132 0.169
Il27ra interleukin 27 receptor, alpha 0.168
S1pr4 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 4 0.167
Il4 interleukin 4 0.162
Gcet2 germinal center expressed transcript 2 0.149
Sell selectin, lymphocyte 0.142
Cd3e CD3 antigen, epsilon polypeptide 0.139
Elf4 E74-like factor 4 (ets domain transcription factor) 0.137
Sh2d2a SH2 domain protein 2A 0.129
Il18r1 interleukin 18 receptor 1 0.128
Klra9 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily A, member 9 0.127
Bex6 brain expressed gene 6 0.122
Slamf1 signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 1 0.122
Art2a-ps ADP-ribosyltransferase 2a, pseudogene 0.122
F2rl2 coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor-like 2 0.121
Fgr Gardner-Rasheed feline sarcoma viral (Fgr) oncogene homolog 0.120
Tnfrsf9 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 0.119
Rgs14 regulator of G-protein signaling 14 0.115
Cd6 CD6 antigen 0.105
Ctsw cathepsin W 0.104
Il2rb interleukin 2 receptor, beta chain 0.103
Pou2af1 POU domain, class 2, associating factor 1 0.101
Ifngr1 interferon gamma receptor 1 0.097
Ltb lymphotoxin B 0.097
Ccr9 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 9 0.097
H2-Oa histocompatibility 2, O region alpha locus 0.095
Tnfsf8 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 8 0.093
Ccr1l1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1-like 1 0.092
Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 0.092
Ctla4 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 0.092
Elk4 ELK4, member of ETS oncogene family 0.092
Cxcr5 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 5 0.091
Ccr7 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7 0.090
Csf3r colony stimulating factor 3 receptor (granulocyte) 0.089
Olfr140 olfactory receptor 140 0.088
Flt3 FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 0.087
Cd5 CD5 antigen 0.086
Il7r interleukin 7 receptor 0.085
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism