The network for 'digestive tract development' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

digestive tract development

The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the digestive tract over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The digestive tract is the anatomical structure through which food passes and is processed.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
ITGB1 integrin, beta 1 (fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide, antigen CD29 includes MDF2, MSK12) 1.000
TP53 tumor protein p53 0.997
TCF3 transcription factor 3 (E2A immunoglobulin enhancer binding factors E12/E47) 0.996
APC adenomatous polyposis coli 0.987
CTNNB1 catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1, 88kDa 0.982
JAG1 jagged 1 0.977
ERBB3 v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 (avian) 0.963
PDGFRB platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide 0.955
ITGB3 integrin, beta 3 (platelet glycoprotein IIIa, antigen CD61) 0.943
YWHAE tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, epsilon polypeptide 0.937
PBX1 pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 1 0.936
COL1A1 collagen, type I, alpha 1 0.933
PRKCZ protein kinase C, zeta 0.932
LATS2 LATS, large tumor suppressor, homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.929
PXN paxillin 0.927
SMAD7 SMAD family member 7 0.922
COL6A1 collagen, type VI, alpha 1 0.915
SMAD2 SMAD family member 2 0.915
FLNA filamin A, alpha 0.905
ESR1 estrogen receptor 1 0.904
ICAM1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 0.871
ERBB2IP erbb2 interacting protein 0.866
SKIL SKI-like oncogene 0.866
KDM1A lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1A 0.865
PAX3 paired box 3 0.863
EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor 0.856
BMPR2 bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type II (serine/threonine kinase) 0.854
NOTCH3 notch 3 0.853
BMP2 bone morphogenetic protein 2 0.844
COL4A1 collagen, type IV, alpha 1 0.830
C1QA complement component 1, q subcomponent, A chain 0.824
CTNNA1 catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha 1, 102kDa 0.817
COL4A2 collagen, type IV, alpha 2 0.812
CXCL3 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3 0.793
FN1 fibronectin 1 0.791
MYC v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) 0.789
COL1A2 collagen, type I, alpha 2 0.782
FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 0.773
THBS1 thrombospondin 1 0.769
SMARCA4 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 0.752
HDAC1 histone deacetylase 1 0.747
FBLN1 fibulin 1 0.744
PDGFB platelet-derived growth factor beta polypeptide (simian sarcoma viral (v-sis) oncogene homolog) 0.732
RAF1 v-raf-1 murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1 0.731
CXCL1 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (melanoma growth stimulating activity, alpha) 0.726
TAL1 T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1 0.725
AR androgen receptor 0.717
LAMB1 laminin, beta 1 0.677
SFRP1 secreted frizzled-related protein 1 0.671
MYOD1 myogenic differentiation 1 0.660
SIRT1 sirtuin 1 0.655
YAP1 Yes-associated protein 1 0.654
MYH9 myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle 0.651
COL7A1 collagen, type VII, alpha 1 0.644
PTPN1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 0.643
SMAD4 SMAD family member 4 0.628
IL1B interleukin 1, beta 0.617
PKD2 polycystic kidney disease 2 (autosomal dominant) 0.616
IL8 interleukin 8 0.610
COL5A1 collagen, type V, alpha 1 0.609
LAMC1 laminin, gamma 1 (formerly LAMB2) 0.607
JUP junction plakoglobin 0.602
RARA retinoic acid receptor, alpha 0.565
BMP1 bone morphogenetic protein 1 0.561
ERBB2 v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian) 0.556
COL2A1 collagen, type II, alpha 1 0.552
SOX11 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 11 0.546
MDM2 Mdm2 p53 binding protein homolog (mouse) 0.528
IQGAP1 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1 0.527
ENG endoglin 0.509
SOX2 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 0.507
COL3A1 collagen, type III, alpha 1 0.496
BMP4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 0.494
CRKL v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog (avian)-like 0.491
HMGA2 high mobility group AT-hook 2 0.484
ARHGDIB Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) beta 0.481
DVL3 dishevelled, dsh homolog 3 (Drosophila) 0.478
SMURF2 SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 0.458
HIC1 hypermethylated in cancer 1 0.445
COL4A6 collagen, type IV, alpha 6 0.440
PIK3R2 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 2 (beta) 0.439
CCL20 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 0.430
CDC42 cell division cycle 42 (GTP binding protein, 25kDa) 0.427
ITGA2 integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2 subunit of VLA-2 receptor) 0.426
PRKCI protein kinase C, iota 0.419
PDGFRA platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide 0.414
WWP2 WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 0.406
BCL2 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 0.402
SPTBN1 spectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 1 0.392
MAPK8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 0.390
RUNX1 runt-related transcription factor 1 0.387
GATA4 GATA binding protein 4 0.384
MAFG v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog G (avian) 0.374
NR4A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1 0.372
TGFBR1 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 1 0.370
LAMA5 laminin, alpha 5 0.369
ITGA3 integrin, alpha 3 (antigen CD49C, alpha 3 subunit of VLA-3 receptor) 0.369
CSNK1E casein kinase 1, epsilon 0.368
CDK2 cyclin-dependent kinase 2 0.366
NKX2-5 NK2 transcription factor related, locus 5 (Drosophila) 0.364
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
his-45 Protein HIS-45 0.998
pha-4 Protein PHA-4 0.997
his-46 Protein HIS-46 0.997
his-31 Protein HIS-31 0.997
his-62 Protein HIS-62 0.993
his-48 Protein HIS-48 0.992
his-1 Protein HIS-1 0.990
his-30 Protein HIS-30 0.988
his-64 Protein HIS-64 0.985
his-42 Protein HIS-42 0.983
his-5 Protein HIS-5 0.982
his-47 Protein HIS-47 0.979
elt-6 Protein ELT-6 0.975
hlh-1 Protein HLH-1 0.965
his-29 Protein HIS-29 0.965
his-16 Protein HIS-16 0.948
his-61 Protein HIS-61 0.937
zip-7 Protein ZIP-7 0.927
egl-18 Protein EGL-18 0.915
his-59 Protein HIS-59 0.909
unc-62 Protein UNC-62 0.887
his-50 Protein HIS-50 0.848
mab-5 Protein MAB-5 0.826
his-9 Protein HIS-9 0.824
hlh-2 Protein HLH-2 0.820
egl-15 Protein EGL-15 0.791
fkh-2 Protein FKH-2 0.788
his-2 Protein HIS-2 0.785
his-52 Protein HIS-52 0.738
unc-42 Protein UNC-42 0.729
his-32 Protein HIS-32 0.726
nhr-67 Protein NHR-67 0.692
cam-1 Protein CAM-1 0.669
his-38 Protein HIS-38 0.637
atn-1 Protein ATN-1 0.634
pop-1 Protein POP-1 0.610
vab-3 Protein VAB-3 0.610
unc-73 Protein UNC-73 0.596
his-3 Protein HIS-3 0.560
bar-1 Protein BAR-1 0.549
eya-1 Protein EYA-1 0.538
lag-1 Protein LAG-1 0.533
flt-1 Protein FLT-1 0.515
mls-2 Protein MLS-2 0.500
egl-46 Protein EGL-46 0.494
pry-1 Protein PRY-1 0.490
his-14 Protein HIS-14 0.488
mom-2 Protein MOM-2 0.485
his-15 Protein HIS-15 0.484
his-63 Protein HIS-63 0.476
lin-36 Protein LIN-36 0.468
his-68 Protein HIS-68 0.461
tbx-9 Protein TBX-9 0.460
osm-5 Protein OSM-5 0.454
his-6 Protein HIS-6 0.413
egl-27 Protein EGL-27 0.407
glp-1 Protein GLP-1 0.400
odd-2 Protein ODD-2 0.388
cnd-1 Protein CND-1 0.375
let-60 Protein LET-60 0.374
hnd-1 Protein HND-1 0.373
unc-130 Protein UNC-130 0.354
egl-13 Protein EGL-13 0.335
trim-9 Protein TRIM-9 0.326
tbx-8 Protein TBX-8 0.319
ztf-2 Protein ZTF-2 0.316
his-4 Protein HIS-4 0.312
his-49 Protein HIS-49 0.305
hmg-1.2 Protein HMG-1.2 0.304
pes-1 Protein PES-1 0.300
flh-2 Protein FLH-2 0.296
unc-98 Protein UNC-98 0.295
daf-14 Protein DAF-14 0.292
his-43 Protein HIS-43 0.291
lsy-2 Protein LSY-2 0.269
eor-1 Protein EOR-1 0.266
ceh-32 Protein CEH-32 0.262
prp-8 Protein PRP-8 0.261
epi-1 Protein EPI-1 0.259
rsp-1 Protein RSP-1 0.249
hlh-14 Protein HLH-14 0.249
alp-1 Protein ALP-1 0.244
oma-2 Protein OMA-2 0.242
T28F4.1 Protein T28F4.1 0.241
his-39 Protein HIS-39 0.237
ZK507.6 Protein ZK507.6 0.237
vab-1 Protein VAB-1 0.237
xpo-1 Protein XPO-1 0.232
nhr-25 Protein NHR-25 0.225
lin-12 Protein LIN-12 0.224
sem-4 Protein SEM-4 0.223
swsn-2.1 Protein SWSN-2.1 0.221
mep-1 Protein MEP-1 0.219
lin-53 Protein LIN-53 0.218
med-2 Protein MED-2 0.208
his-33 Protein HIS-33 0.204
hbl-1 Protein HBL-1 0.203
ten-1 Protein TEN-1 0.199
his-7 Protein HIS-7 0.196
dsh-2 Protein DSH-2 0.194
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 0.998
shha sonic hedgehog a 0.998
gli2a GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2a 0.996
tbx2b T-box 2b 0.996
kdrl kinase insert domain receptor like 0.994
eya1 eyes absent homolog 1 0.991
fgf8a fibroblast growth factor 8 a 0.989
chd chordin 0.988
hhip hedgehog interacting protein 0.988
cdh1 cadherin 1, epithelial 0.988
gli1 GLI-Kruppel family member 1 0.987
tfap2a transcription factor AP-2 alpha 0.985
gdf6a growth differentiation factor 6a 0.983
lef1 lymphocyte enhancer binding factor 1 0.982
hnf1ba HNF1 homeobox Ba 0.981
itgav integrin, alpha V 0.979
aplnra apelin receptor a 0.979
tbx16 T-box gene 16 0.975
nkx2.5 NK2 transcription factor related 5 0.973
tbx1 T-box 1 0.969
sox9b SRY-box containing gene 9b 0.968
ntla no tail a 0.966
cxcr4a chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4a 0.963
gbx2 gastrulation brain homeo box 2 0.959
oep one-eyed pinhead 0.956
snai1b snail homolog 1b (Drosophila) 0.955
snai1a snail homolog 1a (Drosophila) 0.953
gata3 GATA-binding protein 3 0.951
wnt9a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 9A 0.951
foxa2 forkhead box A2 0.950
gpr126 G protein-coupled receptor 126 0.950
smad1 MAD homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.948
pitx3 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3 0.948
mib mind bomb 0.947
tbx20 T-box 20 0.941
sox9a SRY-box containing gene 9a 0.939
vent ventral expressed homeobox 0.939
myod1 myogenic differentiation 1 0.933
dkk1b dickkopf 1b 0.932
sox32 SRY-box containing gene 32 0.928
tp53 tumor protein p53 0.927
tbx18 T-box 18 0.924
lrrc50 leucine rich repeat containing 50 0.919
smad5 MAD homolog 5 (Drosophila) 0.918
bmp2b bone morphogenetic protein 2b 0.910
tcf7l2 transcription factor 7-like 2 (T-cell specific, HMG-box) 0.909
crabp2a cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2, a 0.902
runx2b runt-related transcription factor 2b 0.902
flh floating head 0.901
gata6 GATA-binding protein 6 0.892
lfng lunatic fringe homolog 0.892
notch3 notch homolog 3 0.892
evx1 even-skipped homeobox 1 0.890
tbx5a T-box 5a 0.890
smad9 MAD homolog 9 (Drosophila) 0.889
smo smoothened homolog (Drosophila) 0.889
foxa3 forkhead box A3 0.887
otpb orthopedia homolog b 0.886
pwp2h PWP2 periodic tryptophan protein homolog (yeast) 0.877
eomesa eomesodermin homolog a 0.872
fgf3 fibroblast growth factor 3 0.872
cc2d2a coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 2A 0.867
wnt2bb wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2Bb 0.866
pcdh8 protocadherin 8 0.865
ptgs2a prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2a 0.861
gpc4 glypican 4 0.859
fgfr1a fibroblast growth factor receptor 1a 0.857
mapk3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 0.856
sulf1 sulfatase 1 0.851
yrk Yes-related kinase 0.847
spns2 spinster homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.847
ets1a v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1a 0.845
dharma dharma 0.838
gsc goosecoid 0.836
barx1 BarH-like homeobox 1 0.834
notch1a notch homolog 1a 0.833
hmx4 H6 family homeobox 4 0.831
pacsin3 protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 3 0.830
eve1 even-skipped-like1 0.829
gro1 groucho 1 0.827
fgf10a fibroblast growth factor 10a 0.826
ved ventrally expressed dharma/bozozok antagonist 0.822
acvr1b activin A receptor, type IB 0.814
foxi1 forkhead box I1 0.812
jag2 jagged 2 0.808
lpar1 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 0.804
cxcl12b chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12b (stromal cell-derived factor 1) 0.804
gata4 GATA-binding protein 4 0.803
cdh2 cadherin 2, neuronal 0.802
mespa mesoderm posterior a 0.798
epb41l5 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 5 0.798
flt4 fms-related tyrosine kinase 4 0.796
lft2 lefty2 0.796
wnt11 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 0.796
sox3 SRY-box containing gene 3 0.792
isl1 islet1 0.790
ptch1 patched 1 0.780
bmp2a bone morphogenetic protein 2a 0.779
ptger4a prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) a 0.776
irx1a iroquois homeobox protein 1, a 0.769
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
N Notch 0.999
arm armadillo 0.997
Egfr Epidermal growth factor receptor 0.996
shn schnurri 0.995
wg wingless 0.994
ci cubitus interruptus 0.992
ttv tout-velu 0.991
ato atonal 0.990
rib ribbon 0.987
pnt pointed 0.985
LanA Laminin A 0.983
hkb huckebein 0.982
Akt1 CG4006 gene product from transcript CG4006-RA 0.977
argos CG4531 gene product from transcript CG4531-RA 0.972
babo baboon 0.966
Mef2 Myocyte enhancer factor 2 0.961
hep hemipterous 0.958
shg shotgun 0.957
LanB2 Laminin B2 0.956
tld tolloid 0.949
Myo31DF Myosin 31DF 0.948
msn misshapen 0.946
byn brachyenteron 0.940
dsh dishevelled 0.940
mbc myoblast city 0.928
pan pangolin 0.919
ush u-shaped 0.915
inx2 innexin 2 0.914
emc extra macrochaetae 0.912
sax saxophone 0.910
mew multiple edematous wings 0.907
opa odd paired 0.902
fkh fork head 0.900
LanB1 CG7123 gene product from transcript CG7123-RA 0.900
Nrt Neurotactin 0.887
sog short gastrulation 0.867
slp1 sloppy paired 1 0.861
thr three rows 0.857
raw CG12437 gene product from transcript CG12437-RB 0.856
scb scab 0.847
ftz fushi tarazu 0.830
kni knirps 0.828
sna snail 0.807
tll tailless 0.806
abd-A abdominal A 0.794
pbl pebble 0.789
brk brinker 0.782
Hop Hsp70/Hsp90 organizing protein homolog 0.782
spi spitz 0.780
Rac1 CG2248 gene product from transcript CG2248-RA 0.773
Mad Mothers against dpp 0.770
Pkn Protein kinase related to protein kinase N 0.768
eya eyes absent 0.768
twi twist 0.767
Pi3K92E CG4141 gene product from transcript CG4141-RB 0.766
srp serpent 0.761
Pvr PDGF- and VEGF-receptor related 0.753
frc fringe connection 0.751
Antp Antennapedia 0.748
mirr mirror 0.746
l(2)gl lethal (2) giant larvae 0.727
Mrtf Myocardin-related transcription factor 0.725
sd scalloped 0.724
smo smoothened 0.711
Pabp2 CG2163 gene product from transcript CG2163-RA 0.702
Rho1 CG8416 gene product from transcript CG8416-RB 0.699
rl rolled 0.678
gbb glass bottom boat 0.677
bin biniou 0.675
dome domeless 0.672
Src64B Src oncogene at 64B 0.662
Ras85D Ras oncogene at 85D 0.626
rho rhomboid 0.623
fas faint sausage 0.621
fz2 frizzled 2 0.602
Ser Serrate 0.600
Stat92E Signal-transducer and activator of transcription protein at 92E 0.600
Jra Jun-related antigen 0.593
arr arrow 0.592
sgl sugarless 0.588
dac dachshund 0.586
tkv thickveins 0.585
crb crumbs 0.577
salm spalt major 0.562
nmo nemo 0.560
Traf4 TNF-receptor-associated factor 4 0.557
mys myospheroid 0.545
how held out wings 0.545
ara araucan 0.543
slmb supernumerary limbs 0.542
scny scrawny 0.534
htl heartless 0.529
dib disembodied 0.525
tup tailup 0.513
btl breathless 0.511
Rac2 CG8556 gene product from transcript CG8556-RA 0.511
loco locomotion defects 0.504
Doc2 Dorsocross2 0.503
if inflated 0.495
Src42A Src oncogene at 42A 0.494
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Ctnnb1 catenin (cadherin associated protein), beta 1 1.000
Shh sonic hedgehog 1.000
Gli3 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3 1.000
Nodal nodal 1.000
Foxc1 forkhead box C1 1.000
Fgfr2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 1.000
Smad4 MAD homolog 4 (Drosophila) 1.000
Pitx2 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 0.999
Sox2 SRY-box containing gene 2 0.999
Fgfr1 fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 0.999
Vangl2 vang-like 2 (van gogh, Drosophila) 0.999
Otx2 orthodenticle homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.998
Gli2 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2 0.998
Pax3 paired box gene 3 0.997
Bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 0.997
Lhx1 LIM homeobox protein 1 0.997
Sall4 sal-like 4 (Drosophila) 0.996
Smad6 MAD homolog 6 (Drosophila) 0.995
Smad3 MAD homolog 3 (Drosophila) 0.995
Pten phosphatase and tensin homolog 0.994
Fgf8 fibroblast growth factor 8 0.993
Foxc2 forkhead box C2 0.993
Rarg retinoic acid receptor, gamma 0.990
Eya1 eyes absent 1 homolog (Drosophila) 0.990
Efnb2 ephrin B2 0.990
Emx1 empty spiracles homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.990
Zic3 zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 3 0.990
Alx4 aristaless-like homeobox 4 0.989
Apc adenomatosis polyposis coli 0.989
Col1a1 collagen, type I, alpha 1 0.988
Lmx1b LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta 0.987
Pax6 paired box gene 6 0.985
Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A 0.985
Lef1 lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 0.984
Pbx1 pre B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1 0.982
Pdgfra platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide 0.980
Pou5f1 POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 0.979
Nog noggin 0.977
Kras v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog 0.976
Lhx3 LIM homeobox protein 3 0.976
Six1 sine oculis-related homeobox 1 homolog (Drosophila) 0.975
Tbx3 T-box 3 0.975
Hoxd11 homeobox D11 0.973
Bcl2 B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 0.970
Tgfb2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 0.970
Sall3 sal-like 3 (Drosophila) 0.970
Hand1 heart and neural crest derivatives expressed transcript 1 0.968
Nkx2-5 NK2 transcription factor related, locus 5 (Drosophila) 0.967
Psen1 presenilin 1 0.966
Foxh1 forkhead box H1 0.965
Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 0.964
Sox9 SRY-box containing gene 9 0.963
Pax8 paired box gene 8 0.961
Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3, endothelial cell 0.958
Ret ret proto-oncogene 0.957
Chd7 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7 0.954
Pax2 paired box gene 2 0.953
Trp53 transformation related protein 53 0.944
Bmpr1a bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type 1A 0.943
Smad1 MAD homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.938
Runx2 runt related transcription factor 2 0.931
Axin1 axin 1 0.930
Prrx1 paired related homeobox 1 0.924
Pitx1 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1 0.921
Hoxa1 homeobox A1 0.919
Smad7 MAD homolog 7 (Drosophila) 0.919
Ascl1 achaete-scute complex homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.918
Tcf21 transcription factor 21 0.917
Meox2 mesenchyme homeobox 2 0.916
Hoxa11 homeobox A11 0.915
Wt1 Wilms tumor 1 homolog 0.912
Smad2 MAD homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.911
Hoxa13 homeobox A13 0.909
Snai1 snail homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.908
Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta 0.908
Tcf4 transcription factor 4 0.901
Wnt3a wingless-related MMTV integration site 3A 0.900
Erbb2 v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian) 0.898
Efnb1 ephrin B1 0.896
Myod1 myogenic differentiation 1 0.894
Pdgfrb platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide 0.892
Sfrp2 secreted frizzled-related protein 2 0.889
Gas1 growth arrest specific 1 0.886
Msx1 homeobox, msh-like 1 0.886
Ror2 receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 0.885
Tcf7l1 transcription factor 7-like 1 (T-cell specific, HMG box) 0.881
Wnt4 wingless-related MMTV integration site 4 0.879
Hoxa4 homeobox A4 0.878
Emx2 empty spiracles homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.877
Nr2f1 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 1 0.876
Hoxd3 homeobox D3 0.875
Hspg2 perlecan (heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2) 0.874
Fgf10 fibroblast growth factor 10 0.874
Bbs4 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 (human) 0.873
Tbx15 T-box 15 0.871
Esrrb estrogen related receptor, beta 0.863
Tbx2 T-box 2 0.859
Sox7 SRY-box containing gene 7 0.856
Atoh7 atonal homolog 7 (Drosophila) 0.854
Pthlh parathyroid hormone-like peptide 0.853
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Tgfbr2 transforming growth factor, beta receptor II 0.397
Bgn biglycan 0.211
Fgfr1 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 0.200
Unc5b unc-5 homolog B (C. elegans) 0.192
Aebp1 AE binding protein 1 0.184
Col12a1 collagen, type XII, alpha 1 0.178
Lamc1 laminin, gamma 1 0.178
Tcfe2a transcription factor E2a 0.176
Adam17 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17 0.171
Hand2 heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2 0.152
Col1a1 collagen, type I, alpha 1 0.144
Psen1 presenilin 1 0.138
Uox urate oxidase 0.126
Strn striatin, calmodulin binding protein 0.123
Postn periostin, osteoblast specific factor 0.096
Hrh2 histamine receptor H 2 0.095
Rhoa ras homolog gene family, member A 0.092
Jtb jumping translocation breakpoint 0.086
Id3 inhibitor of DNA binding 3 0.081
Lox lysyl oxidase 0.081
Slc18a3 solute carrier family 18 (vesicular acetylcholine), member 3 0.078
Mgat3 mannosyl (beta-1,4-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.077
Dbp D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein 0.077
Dab2 disabled homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.076
Serpinh1 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade H, member 1 0.076
Jak2 Janus kinase 2 0.076
LOC100364212 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K-like 0.075
Ireb2 iron responsive element binding protein 2 0.074
Itgb4 integrin, beta 4 0.073
Lyn v-yes-1 Yamaguchi sarcoma viral related oncogene homolog 0.072
Fgf1 fibroblast growth factor 1 0.070
Cebpa CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), alpha 0.069
Arnt aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 0.068
Stxbp2 syntaxin binding protein 2 0.065
Irf2 interferon regulatory factor 2 0.065
Tpm2 tropomyosin 2, beta 0.064
Acta2 smooth muscle alpha-actin 0.063
Bdkrb1 bradykinin receptor B1 0.062
Mfrp membrane frizzled-related protein 0.062
Id1 inhibitor of DNA binding 1 0.061
Slit3 slit homolog 3 (Drosophila) 0.060
Tbx3 T-box 3 0.059
Cap1 CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast) 0.059
Smad7 SMAD family member 7 0.058
Cacna1c calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1C subunit 0.058
Ptpn12 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 12 0.058
Agtr1a angiotensin II receptor, type 1a 0.058
Cdk2 cyclin dependent kinase 2 0.057
Manea mannosidase, endo-alpha 0.057
Amn amnionless homolog (mouse) 0.056
Jak1 Janus kinase 1 0.056
Met met proto-oncogene 0.056
Foxe1 forkhead box E1 (thyroid transcription factor 2) 0.054
Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3, endothelial cell 0.053
Tgfb3 transforming growth factor, beta 3 0.053
Myh9 myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle 0.052
Igfbp5 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 0.050
Ednra endothelin receptor type A 0.049
Loxl1 lysyl oxidase-like 1 0.049
Pax4 paired box 4 0.048
Lama2 laminin, alpha 2 0.048
Hnf4a hepatocyte nuclear factor 4, alpha 0.047
Calu calumenin 0.046
Mettl7b methyltransferase like 7B 0.045
Hes3 hairy and enhancer of split 3 (Drosophila) 0.045
Pou2f2 POU class 2 homeobox 2 0.045
Col1a2 collagen, type I, alpha 2 0.045
Pld1 phospholipase D1 0.043
Ppp1r3b protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 3B 0.042
Mmp14 matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted) 0.042
Sox13 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 13 0.041
Hal histidine ammonia lyase 0.041
Il1r1 interleukin 1 receptor, type I 0.041
Map6 microtubule-associated protein 6 0.040
Top2a topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha 0.040
Ptprk protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, K, extracellular region 0.039
Ccr1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 0.039
Sftpb surfactant protein B 0.038
Prrx1 paired related homeobox 1 0.038
Homer3 homer homolog 3 (Drosophila) 0.037
Col3a1 collagen, type III, alpha 1 0.036
Tcf4 transcription factor 4 0.036
Rxra retinoid X receptor alpha 0.036
Foxc2 forkhead box C2 0.036
Col5a2 collagen, type V, alpha 2 0.035
Nr2f6 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 6 0.035
LOC246267 resection-induced TPI (rs11) 0.035
Irs1 insulin receptor substrate 1 0.035
Cdc34 cell division cycle 34 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.034
Cmklr1 chemokine-like receptor 1 0.034
Cldn7 claudin 7 0.034
Pde4b phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP specific 0.033
Lpl lipoprotein lipase 0.033
Galr3 galanin receptor 3 0.033
Gstm2 glutathione S-transferase mu 2 0.033
Mep1a meprin 1 alpha 0.032
Smad1 SMAD family member 1 0.032
Tnc tenascin C 0.032
Cd4 Cd4 molecule 0.031
Vcan versican 0.031
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism