The network for 'jnk cascade' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

jnk cascade

An intracellular protein kinase cascade containing at least a JNK (a MAPK), a JNKK (a MAPKK) and a JUN3K (a MAP3K). The cascade can also contain two additional tiers: the upstream MAP4K and the downstream MAP Kinase-activated kinase (MAPKAPK). The kinases in each tier phosphorylate and activate the kinases in the downstream tier to transmit a signal within a cell.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Traf6 TNF receptor-associated factor 6 0.999
Mapk14 mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 0.997
Mapk8ip3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 3 0.997
Dvl2 dishevelled 2, dsh homolog (Drosophila) 0.992
Rac1 RAS-related C3 botulinum substrate 1 0.991
Map3k7 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 0.990
Mapk8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 0.987
Vangl2 vang-like 2 (van gogh, Drosophila) 0.985
Dvl1 dishevelled, dsh homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.975
Ctnnb1 catenin (cadherin associated protein), beta 1 0.971
Pik3r1 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, regulatory subunit, polypeptide 1 (p85 alpha) 0.966
Myd88 myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 0.949
Cd40 CD40 antigen 0.945
Wnt3a wingless-related MMTV integration site 3A 0.943
Grin1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA1 (zeta 1) 0.927
Axin1 axin 1 0.927
Efnb2 ephrin B2 0.919
Casp4 caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase 0.915
Tnfaip3 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 3 0.906
Tnf tumor necrosis factor 0.877
Jun Jun oncogene 0.874
Il1b interleukin 1 beta 0.851
Cdc42 cell division cycle 42 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.843
Map3k14 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14 0.823
Ccr1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 0.823
Wnt5a wingless-related MMTV integration site 5A 0.821
Klc1 kinesin light chain 1 0.821
C3ar1 complement component 3a receptor 1 0.804
Fos FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene 0.803
Smad6 MAD homolog 6 (Drosophila) 0.800
Casp1 caspase 1 0.786
Thbs1 thrombospondin 1 0.775
Mdm2 transformed mouse 3T3 cell double minute 2 0.752
Nfkb2 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 2, p49/p100 0.745
Grb10 growth factor receptor bound protein 10 0.729
Atf2 activating transcription factor 2 0.716
Prkce protein kinase C, epsilon 0.711
Cd44 CD44 antigen 0.695
Pten phosphatase and tensin homolog 0.657
Cxcl13 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 0.652
Tnfrsf11a tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11a 0.650
Ntrk3 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3 0.642
Dlg1 discs, large homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.627
Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta 0.624
Mapk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 0.616
Pax2 paired box gene 2 0.573
Efnb1 ephrin B1 0.572
Sfrp2 secreted frizzled-related protein 2 0.571
Tnfrsf1a tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1a 0.563
Msr1 macrophage scavenger receptor 1 0.557
Ephb2 Eph receptor B2 0.550
Casp8 caspase 8 0.540
Gli2 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2 0.529
Apc adenomatosis polyposis coli 0.524
Ptk7 PTK7 protein tyrosine kinase 7 0.522
Sfrp1 secreted frizzled-related protein 1 0.503
Ltb lymphotoxin B 0.499
Traf2 TNF receptor-associated factor 2 0.498
Dvl3 dishevelled 3, dsh homolog (Drosophila) 0.472
Cd14 CD14 antigen 0.468
Tlr4 toll-like receptor 4 0.445
Zfp36 zinc finger protein 36 0.433
Cdkn2a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A 0.429
Smad7 MAD homolog 7 (Drosophila) 0.414
Met met proto-oncogene 0.406
Sox9 SRY-box containing gene 9 0.404
Clec4d C-type lectin domain family 4, member d 0.403
Gnaq guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha q polypeptide 0.403
Ripk1 receptor (TNFRSF)-interacting serine-threonine kinase 1 0.398
Cxcr5 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 5 0.397
Map3k8 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 0.396
Cyld cylindromatosis (turban tumor syndrome) 0.392
Smad3 MAD homolog 3 (Drosophila) 0.378
Ccl3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 0.375
Sema6a sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6A 0.364
Cdx2 caudal type homeobox 2 0.353
Parva parvin, alpha 0.353
Dact1 dapper homolog 1, antagonist of beta-catenin (xenopus) 0.348
Grap2 GRB2-related adaptor protein 2 0.332
Ube2g1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 1 (UBC7 homolog, C. elegans) 0.320
Ikbkg inhibitor of kappaB kinase gamma 0.319
Ndel1 nuclear distribution gene E-like homolog 1 (A. nidulans) 0.318
Ptk2 PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 0.317
Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (P21) 0.315
Dusp1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 0.314
Bmpr1a bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type 1A 0.314
Emx1 empty spiracles homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.313
Vangl1 vang-like 1 (van gogh, Drosophila) 0.311
Epha4 Eph receptor A4 0.311
Fgfr1 fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 0.308
Csnk1e casein kinase 1, epsilon 0.307
Fzd8 frizzled homolog 8 (Drosophila) 0.305
Rarg retinoic acid receptor, gamma 0.304
Cd4 CD4 antigen 0.302
Ptpn11 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 11 0.297
Clec4n C-type lectin domain family 4, member n 0.290
Tcf7 transcription factor 7, T-cell specific 0.290
Bcl10 B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 10 0.286
Cxcl2 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 0.279
Gli3 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3 0.279
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
cst-1 Protein CST-1 0.903
cst-2 Protein CST-2 0.542
egal-1 Protein EGAL-1 0.254
pry-1 Protein PRY-1 0.206
mig-15 Protein MIG-15 0.151
unc-73 Protein UNC-73 0.149
pmk-3 Protein PMK-3 0.133
rhi-1 Protein RHI-1 0.120
mlk-1 Protein MLK-1 0.119
mig-2 Protein MIG-2 0.114
ncam-1 Protein NCAM-1 0.092
cdc-42 Protein CDC-42 0.090
ina-1 Protein INA-1 0.089
sem-5 Protein SEM-5 0.079
F21A10.2 Protein F21A10.2 0.073
lin-25 Protein LIN-25 0.073
lat-1 Protein LAT-1 0.070
zyg-8 Protein ZYG-8 0.060
ttyh-1 Protein TTYH-1 0.059
pmk-1 Protein PMK-1 0.058
viln-1 Protein VILN-1 0.051
cap-2 Protein CAP-2 0.049
F58B4.3 Protein F58B4.3 0.049
tps-1 Protein TPS-1 0.047
eor-2 Protein EOR-2 0.046
tir-1 Protein TIR-1 0.043
nhr-6 Protein NHR-6 0.043
egl-18 Protein EGL-18 0.036
glit-1 Protein GLIT-1 0.036
cap-1 Protein CAP-1 0.036
pkn-1 Protein PKN-1 0.034
pmk-2 Protein PMK-2 0.032
F59A3.4 Protein F59A3.4 0.032
M02B1.3 Protein M02B1.3 0.031
ceh-20 Protein CEH-20 0.031
clh-5 Protein CLH-5 0.030
unc-16 Protein UNC-16 0.028
nipi-3 Protein NIPI-3 0.028
syd-2 Protein SYD-2 0.028
klp-3 Protein KLP-3 0.028
sek-1 Protein SEK-1 0.027
unc-108 Protein UNC-108 0.027
skn-1 Protein SKN-1 0.027
cysl-1 Protein CYSL-1 0.027
CELE_C25A1.5 Protein C25A1.5 0.026
klc-2 Protein KLC-2 0.025
daf-16 Protein DAF-16 0.025
gmeb-1 Protein GMEB-1 0.024
csn-4 Protein CSN-4 0.024
CELE_R03D7.4 Protein R03D7.4 0.024
C14H10.2 Protein C14H10.2 0.023
gei-4 Protein GEI-4 0.023
K10D6.4 Protein K10D6.4 0.022
clic-1 Protein CLIC-1 0.021
vps-32.1 Protein VPS-32.1 0.021
pqn-44 Protein PQN-44 0.021
daf-19 Protein DAF-19 0.021
hbl-1 Protein HBL-1 0.020
xbp-1 Protein XBP-1 0.019
rpa-1 Protein RPA-1 0.019
pdk-1 Protein PDK-1 0.019
sta-1 Protein STA-1 0.019
taf-5 Protein TAF-5 0.019
orc-1 Protein ORC-1 0.019
ham-1 Protein HAM-1 0.018
efk-1 Protein EFK-1 0.017
tag-304 Protein TAG-304 0.017
ceh-34 Protein CEH-34 0.017
unc-5 Protein UNC-5 0.017
dpy-22 Protein DPY-22 0.016
imb-2 Protein IMB-2 0.016
C16A3.4 Protein C16A3.4 0.015
zyg-11 Protein ZYG-11 0.015
CELE_C46C2.2 Protein C46C2.2 0.015
F13C5.2 Protein F13C5.2 0.015
swan-2 Protein SWAN-2 0.015
tol-1 Protein TOL-1 0.015
vab-8 Protein VAB-8 0.015
sel-2 Protein SEL-2 0.015
R10E4.1 Protein R10E4.1 0.015
trim-9 Protein TRIM-9 0.014
dmd-6 Protein DMD-6 0.014
gana-1 Protein GANA-1 0.014
ceh-44 Protein CEH-44 0.014
F56A8.5 Protein F56A8.5 0.014
ldb-1 Protein LDB-1 0.014
cec-1 Protein CEC-1 0.014
kin-3 Protein KIN-3 0.014
gsk-3 Protein GSK-3 0.013
rnp-7 Protein RNP-7 0.013
F55A11.1 Protein F55A11.1 0.013
lin-36 Protein LIN-36 0.013
F09A5.4 Protein F09A5.4 0.012
sym-4 Protein SYM-4 0.012
taf-1 Protein TAF-1 0.012
phf-10 Protein PHF-10 0.012
atf-7 Protein ATF-7 0.012
pak-1 Protein PAK-1 0.012
rab-5 Protein RAB-5 0.012
B0001.6 Protein B0001.6 0.012
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
dkk1b dickkopf 1b 0.104
mapk3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 0.059
gadd45ba growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, beta a 0.047
wnt4a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4a 0.043
osr1 odd-skipped related 1 (Drosophila) 0.033
jag2 jagged 2 0.029
efnb2a ephrin B2a 0.024
LOC563527 brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1-like 0.024
wnt5a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5a 0.022
pafah1b1b platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform Ib, alpha subunit b 0.020
pias4a protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 4a 0.019
nod1 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 0.018
gro1 groucho 1 0.017
wt1b wilms tumor 1b 0.015
hoxd4a homeo box D4a 0.015
fgf17 fibroblast growth factor 17 0.014
mapk7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 0.014
tagln2 transgelin 2 0.013
ip6k2 inositol hexaphosphate kinase 2 0.013
mapk6 mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 0.012
kop askopos 0.012
LOC557072 caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 11-like 0.012
dvl2 dishevelled, dsh homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.011
flh floating head 0.011
dlat dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) 0.011
dip2c DIP2 disco-interacting protein 2 homolog C (Drosophila) 0.011
mapk4 mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 0.010
fzd5 frizzled homolog 5 0.010
gli3 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3 0.010
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
skpA CG16983 gene product from transcript CG16983-RD 0.774
Pkn Protein kinase related to protein kinase N 0.689
Sir2 CG5216 gene product from transcript CG5216-RA 0.512
p38b CG7393 gene product from transcript CG7393-RA 0.504
bsk basket 0.469
Rel Relish 0.406
Rab5 Rab-protein 5 0.355
Pi3K92E CG4141 gene product from transcript CG4141-RB 0.327
par-1 CG8201 gene product from transcript CG8201-RA 0.327
PGRP-LC Peptidoglycan recognition protein LC 0.237
rok Rho-kinase 0.228
dsh dishevelled 0.194
Vang Van Gogh 0.192
baz bazooka 0.175
CG10743 CG10743 gene product from transcript CG10743-RB 0.172
Tab2 TAK1-associated binding protein 2 0.159
Jra Jun-related antigen 0.138
fwd four wheel drive 0.137
Mtk Metchnikowin 0.135
LIMK1 LIM-kinase1 0.130
tkv thickveins 0.130
Atg1 Autophagy-specific gene 1 0.126
Cip4 CG15015 gene product from transcript CG15015-RA 0.126
chico CG5686 gene product from transcript CG5686-RB 0.126
Myo31DF Myosin 31DF 0.124
Gap1 GTPase-activating protein 1 0.121
mys myospheroid 0.118
Ras85D Ras oncogene at 85D 0.118
puc puckered 0.117
G-ialpha65A G protein alphai subunit 65A 0.115
p53 CG33336 gene product from transcript CG33336-RB 0.114
PGRP-SD CG7496 gene product from transcript CG7496-RA 0.112
Abl Abl tyrosine kinase 0.109
pnut peanut 0.107
Ras64B Ras oncogene at 64B 0.106
POSH Plenty of SH3s 0.105
foxo forkhead box, sub-group O 0.104
hep hemipterous 0.103
Rho1 CG8416 gene product from transcript CG8416-RB 0.102
PGRP-SA Peptidoglycan recognition protein SA 0.102
Stim Stromal interaction molecule 0.098
Rala Ras-related protein 0.098
X11L CG5675 gene product from transcript CG5675-RB 0.097
egr eiger 0.093
Mpk2 CG5475 gene product from transcript CG5475-RB 0.093
dco discs overgrown 0.092
key kenny 0.087
sina seven in absentia 0.085
p120ctn Adherens junction protein p120 0.082
S6kII RPS6-protein kinase-II 0.081
CG5794 CG5794 gene product from transcript CG5794-RB 0.078
PRL-1 CG4993 gene product from transcript CG4993-RB 0.077
PP2A-B' CG7913 gene product from transcript CG7913-RK 0.075
ex expanded 0.074
CG16718 CG16718 gene product from transcript CG16718-RA 0.074
Dab Disabled 0.071
Rab7 Rab-protein 7 0.070
Vrp1 Verprolin 1 0.067
kay kayak 0.066
Parp Poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase 0.066
Toll-7 CG8595 gene product from transcript CG8595-RA 0.065
aop anterior open 0.065
fz frizzled 0.064
Apc APC-like 0.063
yki yorkie 0.062
wee CG4488 gene product from transcript CG4488-RA 0.061
bbg big bang 0.061
btsz bitesize 0.061
Pgam5 Phosphoglycerate mutase 5 0.060
PGRP-LF Peptidoglycan recognition protein LF 0.060
pie pineapple eye 0.059
RYBP Ring and YY1 Binding Protein 0.058
Sema-1a CG18405 gene product from transcript CG18405-RD 0.057
Mes2 CG11100 gene product from transcript CG11100-RB 0.055
hbs hibris 0.053
dock dreadlocks 0.053
dgo diego 0.052
Rab30 CG9100 gene product from transcript CG9100-RB 0.052
dbo diablo 0.051
S6k RPS6-p70-protein kinase 0.051
Gug Grunge 0.051
AttA Attacin-A 0.050
cert ceramide transfer protein 0.050
Liprin-alpha CG11199 gene product from transcript CG11199-RB 0.050
Wnk CG7177 gene product from transcript CG7177-RA 0.049
Csp Cysteine string protein 0.048
nmo nemo 0.047
Hsc70-4 Heat shock protein cognate 4 0.047
mew multiple edematous wings 0.047
pirk poor Imd response upon knock-in 0.046
mbt mushroom bodies tiny 0.046
bif bifocal 0.046
ds dachsous 0.045
Sos Son of sevenless 0.045
SPE Spatzle-Processing Enzyme 0.045
Akt1 CG4006 gene product from transcript CG4006-RA 0.045
Thor CG8846 gene product from transcript CG8846-RA 0.044
cact cactus 0.043
ca claret 0.043
grass Gram-positive Specific Serine protease 0.043
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor 1.000
PIK3R1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) 0.999
RIPK2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 0.997
MLLT4 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 4 0.994
CSNK1E casein kinase 1, epsilon 0.992
LAT linker for activation of T cells 0.983
FGFR2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 0.982
ERBB2 v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian) 0.981
ZNF43 zinc finger protein 43 0.973
MAP3K7 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 0.970
MAPK14 mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 0.963
CBL Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming sequence 0.963
JUN jun proto-oncogene 0.961
PDGFRB platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide 0.959
ILK integrin-linked kinase 0.952
CDC42 cell division cycle 42 (GTP binding protein, 25kDa) 0.951
MAP2K4 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 0.950
TRAF5 TNF receptor-associated factor 5 0.943
SMAD2 SMAD family member 2 0.935
CAV1 caveolin 1, caveolae protein, 22kDa 0.934
BBS10 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 10 0.923
TRAF1 TNF receptor-associated factor 1 0.852
BIRC2 baculoviral IAP repeat containing 2 0.851
ZNF273 zinc finger protein 273 0.811
BIRC3 baculoviral IAP repeat containing 3 0.799
PDGFRA platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide 0.778
GSK3B glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta 0.775
MAP2K7 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 0.766
SH3KBP1 SH3-domain kinase binding protein 1 0.762
TRAF2 TNF receptor-associated factor 2 0.741
ZNF253 zinc finger protein 253 0.722
CALM1 calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta) 0.711
TIRAP toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain containing adaptor protein 0.692
RASSF5 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 5 0.686
MAPK8IP1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1 0.682
SMAD3 SMAD family member 3 0.680
ARRB1 arrestin, beta 1 0.679
SRC v-src sarcoma (Schmidt-Ruppin A-2) viral oncogene homolog (avian) 0.671
MAPK1 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 0.660
VAV1 vav 1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor 0.634
CTGF connective tissue growth factor 0.632
SKIL SKI-like oncogene 0.610
BCAR1 breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1 0.593
TRAF3 TNF receptor-associated factor 3 0.584
AXIN1 axin 1 0.579
ERBB3 v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 (avian) 0.569
DUSP1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 0.552
CCL2 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 0.544
STK4 serine/threonine kinase 4 0.536
MAP4K1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 1 0.529
GRB2 growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 0.522
IRAK2 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 2 0.509
CCR5 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 0.506
LCP2 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76kDa) 0.493
IL1R1 interleukin 1 receptor, type I 0.490
TNF tumor necrosis factor 0.474
CRK v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog (avian) 0.465
RIPK1 receptor (TNFRSF)-interacting serine-threonine kinase 1 0.451
SH3BP2 SH3-domain binding protein 2 0.435
ZNF746 zinc finger protein 746 0.432
TRADD TNFRSF1A-associated via death domain 0.426
STUB1 STIP1 homology and U-box containing protein 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 0.425
IGF1R insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor 0.413
ABL1 c-abl oncogene 1, non-receptor tyrosine kinase 0.411
MAPK3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 0.400
PVRL1 poliovirus receptor-related 1 (herpesvirus entry mediator C) 0.379
YWHAG tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, gamma polypeptide 0.370
FGF10 fibroblast growth factor 10 0.369
NCF2 neutrophil cytosolic factor 2 0.358
MAP2K3 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 0.358
ZNF85 zinc finger protein 85 0.357
SOS2 son of sevenless homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.354
MYD88 myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) 0.352
CCL4 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 0.342
PTK2 PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 0.336
STAT5A signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A 0.332
ZRANB1 zinc finger, RAN-binding domain containing 1 0.330
CASP1 caspase 1, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase (interleukin 1, beta, convertase) 0.329
MAP3K11 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11 0.329
SOCS1 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 0.327
LRRK2 leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 0.327
CHUK conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase 0.320
GBP3 guanylate binding protein 3 0.320
CD40 CD40 molecule, TNF receptor superfamily member 5 0.315
PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog 0.306
FBLN1 fibulin 1 0.292
NCOR1 nuclear receptor corepressor 1 0.280
IL1B interleukin 1, beta 0.276
WAS Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (eczema-thrombocytopenia) 0.267
PPP2CA protein phosphatase 2, catalytic subunit, alpha isozyme 0.265
GADD45B growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, beta 0.263
SOS1 son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.260
ABI1 abl-interactor 1 0.255
NRP1 neuropilin 1 0.253
MAP3K14 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14 0.251
ZNF91 zinc finger protein 91 0.247
FN1 fibronectin 1 0.245
TRAF6 TNF receptor-associated factor 6 0.245
SOCS3 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 0.243
ZNF708 zinc finger protein 708 0.240
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Tnfrsf1a tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1a 0.541
Jtb jumping translocation breakpoint 0.315
Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 0.273
Mapk9 mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 0.260
Usf2 upstream transcription factor 2, c-fos interacting 0.250
Ppp3r1 protein phosphatase 3, regulatory subunit B, alpha isoform 0.201
Rab10 RAB10, member RAS oncogene family 0.176
Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A 0.166
Gria2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 2 0.155
Nudt3 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 3 0.140
Mapk8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 0.130
Ccl4 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 0.122
Prkacb protein kinase, cAMP dependent, catalytic, beta 0.120
Prkcb protein kinase C, beta 0.108
Klf6 Kruppel-like factor 6 0.104
Hsp90aa1 heat shock protein 90, alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 0.099
Ctdsp1 CTD (carboxy-terminal domain, RNA polymerase II, polypeptide A) small phosphatase 1 0.089
Vat1 vesicle amine transport protein 1 homolog (T californica) 0.085
Grm7 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 7 0.083
Pnlip pancreatic lipase 0.081
Eef2 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 0.079
Jak1 Janus kinase 1 0.077
Gria1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 1 0.072
Fgfr1 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 0.071
Sf1 splicing factor 1 0.067
Grip1 glutamate receptor interacting protein 1 0.066
Map2 microtubule-associated protein 2 0.064
RGD1305793 similar to hypothetical protein FLJ20154 0.056
Tnfrsf1b tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1b 0.053
Pdp1 pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 1 0.052
Gna12 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha 12 0.052
Myo9a myosin IXA 0.051
Rasgrp1 RAS guanyl releasing protein 1 (calcium and DAG-regulated) 0.051
Arl5a ADP-ribosylation factor-like 5A 0.050
Lcp1 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1 0.048
Map2k1 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 0.048
Il2ra interleukin 2 receptor, alpha 0.045
Nek9 NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)- related kinase 9 0.045
Homer1 homer homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.045
Mobp myelin-associated oligodendrocyte basic protein 0.044
Il2rg interleukin 2 receptor, gamma 0.043
Myl9 myosin, light chain 9, regulatory 0.043
Snrk SNF related kinase 0.042
Dctn4 dynactin 4 0.041
Cebpg CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), gamma 0.039
Plek pleckstrin 0.039
Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 0.038
Pick1 protein interacting with PRKCA 1 0.038
Ube2b ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2B (RAD6 homolog, S. cerevisiae) 0.038
Cttnbp2 cortactin binding protein 2 0.037
Me1 malic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic 0.037
Pak2 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 2 0.035
Gja3 gap junction protein, alpha 3 0.035
LOC100364212 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K-like 0.034
Usp9x ubiquitin specific peptidase 9, X-linked 0.034
Il1a interleukin 1 alpha 0.034
Tgfb2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 0.033
Ptp4a2 protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a2 0.033
Socs3 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 0.033
Ppara peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha 0.031
Ube2g1 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 1 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) 0.031
Cd83 CD83 molecule 0.031
Fkbp1a FK506 binding protein 1a 0.031
Hist1h1a histone cluster 1, H1a 0.031
Dnajc5 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 5 0.031
Il1r1 interleukin 1 receptor, type I 0.030
Abcg5 ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G (WHITE), member 5 0.030
Cd40 CD40 molecule, TNF receptor superfamily member 5 0.029
Uhmk1 U2AF homology motif (UHM) kinase 1 0.029
Mca32 mast cell antigen 32 0.028
Trim23 tripartite motif-containing 23 0.028
Psp parotid secretory protein 0.028
Sema6b sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6B 0.028
Arpp21 cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein 21 0.028
Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial 0.028
Fam126b family with sequence similarity 126, member B 0.027
Prkca protein kinase C, alpha 0.027
Rps6ka1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase polypeptide 1 0.027
Map3k1 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 0.027
Nfkb1 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 0.027
Gria3 glutamate receptor, ionotrophic, AMPA 3 0.027
RGD1561143 similar to cell surface receptor FDFACT 0.027
Dnm1l dynamin 1-like 0.026
Eif4a2 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A, isoform 2 0.026
Bcl2l2 Bcl2-like 2 0.026
Zic1 Zic family member 1 (odd-paired homolog, Drosophila) 0.026
Slc1a3 solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3 0.026
Il6 interleukin 6 0.026
Cugbp2 CUG triplet repeat, RNA binding protein 2 0.025
Nckap1 NCK-associated protein 1 0.025
Pgr progesterone receptor 0.025
Efhd2 EF-hand domain family, member D2 0.025
Kcnk1 potassium channel, subfamily K, member 1 0.025
Zfp706 zinc finger protein 706 0.025
Elf1 E74-like factor 1 0.025
Nr5a2 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 2 0.025
Akap1 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 1 0.025
Gnai2 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting 2 0.025
Gsr glutathione reductase 0.024
Pkia protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor alpha 0.024
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism