The network for 'cellular protein modification process' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

cellular protein modification process

The covalent alteration of one or more amino acids occurring in proteins, peptides and nascent polypeptides (co-translational, post-translational modifications) occurring at the level of an individual cell. Includes the modification of charged tRNAs that are destined to occur in a protein (pre-translation modification).

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
sma-1 Protein SMA-1 0.612
pkc-3 Protein PKC-3 0.577
lag-1 Protein LAG-1 0.561
D1081.8 Protein D1081.8 0.549
csn-1 Protein CSN-1 0.505
spc-1 Protein SPC-1 0.495
csn-5 Protein CSN-5 0.488
ran-1 Protein RAN-1 0.481
repo-1 Protein REPO-1 0.448
unc-9 Protein UNC-9 0.442
vab-1 Protein VAB-1 0.435
sqv-4 Protein SQV-4 0.429
ZK507.6 Protein ZK507.6 0.406
pqn-59 Protein PQN-59 0.402
egl-8 Protein EGL-8 0.388
kle-2 Protein KLE-2 0.385
mel-26 Protein MEL-26 0.384
C53B4.4 Protein C53B4.4 0.384
ifet-1 Protein IFET-1 0.379
htz-1 Protein HTZ-1 0.372
dep-1 Protein DEP-1 0.371
dsh-2 Protein DSH-2 0.364
gei-11 Protein GEI-11 0.352
acs-4 Protein ACS-4 0.348
egl-18 Protein EGL-18 0.343
mig-15 Protein MIG-15 0.332
zyg-9 Protein ZYG-9 0.321
C05D2.10 Protein C05D2.10 0.319
rpt-2 Protein RPT-2 0.312
par-3 Protein PAR-3 0.312
C14B1.2 Protein C14B1.2 0.308
par-5 Protein PAR-5 0.307
rpt-3 Protein RPT-3 0.304
sli-1 Protein SLI-1 0.304
let-502 Protein LET-502 0.302
lit-1 Protein LIT-1 0.294
hum-5 Protein HUM-5 0.292
D1044.6 Protein D1044.6 0.289
lin-53 Protein LIN-53 0.288
stam-1 Protein STAM-1 0.287
lin-23 Protein LIN-23 0.287
ldb-1 Protein LDB-1 0.283
ceh-39 Protein CEH-39 0.278
spd-1 Protein SPD-1 0.277
sax-7 Protein SAX-7 0.275
CELE_T10C6.6 Protein T10C6.6 0.266
unc-73 Protein UNC-73 0.263
mat-3 Protein MAT-3 0.263
glp-1 Protein GLP-1 0.263
bath-43 Protein BATH-43 0.262
unc-6 Protein UNC-6 0.262
M01A8.2 Protein M01A8.2 0.259
akt-1 Protein AKT-1 0.258
egal-1 Protein EGAL-1 0.258
swsn-2.1 Protein SWSN-2.1 0.256
taf-5 Protein TAF-5 0.255
his-5 Protein HIS-5 0.254
atg-18 Protein ATG-18 0.253
hsp-4 Protein HSP-4 0.252
rpn-7 Protein RPN-7 0.252
spd-5 Protein SPD-5 0.250
tgt-1 Protein TGT-1 0.244
magi-1 Protein MAGI-1 0.243
R11A8.7 Protein R11A8.7 0.242
bag-1 Protein BAG-1 0.240
stip-1 Protein STIP-1 0.240
ztf-7 Protein ZTF-7 0.239
T21B10.3 Protein T21B10.3 0.234
ptr-2 Protein PTR-2 0.233
attf-2 Protein ATTF-2 0.232
mbk-2 Protein MBK-2 0.232
mom-2 Protein MOM-2 0.230
pat-6 Protein PAT-6 0.228
csn-3 Protein CSN-3 0.221
F31D4.2 Protein F31D4.2 0.221
cra-1 Protein CRA-1 0.219
Y54E5A.7 Protein Y54E5A.7 0.218
ain-2 Protein AIN-2 0.216
ttyh-1 Protein TTYH-1 0.216
klc-2 Protein KLC-2 0.215
math-33 Protein MATH-33 0.214
usp-46 Protein USP-46 0.213
rps-2 Protein RPS-2 0.212
sel-12 Protein SEL-12 0.212
trcs-2 Protein TRCS-2 0.211
skn-1 Protein SKN-1 0.205
par-1 Protein PAR-1 0.205
pde-2 Protein PDE-2 0.203
his-64 Protein HIS-64 0.203
his-1 Protein HIS-1 0.202
fkb-6 Protein FKB-6 0.202
fzr-1 Protein FZR-1 0.201
C05D11.7 Protein C05D11.7 0.201
dpy-23 Protein DPY-23 0.200
tag-298 Protein TAG-298 0.200
dpff-1 Protein DPFF-1 0.199
F10D7.5 Protein F10D7.5 0.199
ftt-2 Protein FTT-2 0.199
tag-353 Protein TAG-353 0.198
rsa-1 Protein RSA-1 0.198
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
fgf8a fibroblast growth factor 8 a 0.808
bmp2b bone morphogenetic protein 2b 0.778
efnb2a ephrin B2a 0.611
wnt4a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4a 0.533
foxi1 forkhead box I1 0.495
tp53 tumor protein p53 0.444
bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 0.429
wnt10a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10a 0.425
rarab retinoic acid receptor, alpha b 0.361
jag1b jagged 1b 0.350
hoxb1a homeo box B1a 0.341
smad7 MAD, mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7 (Drosophila) 0.324
csf1ra colony stimulating factor 1 receptor, a 0.311
appa amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein a 0.308
chd chordin 0.295
mafba v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein B (avian) 0.292
evx1 even-skipped homeobox 1 0.291
ppm1g protein phosphatase 1G (formerly 2C), magnesium-dependent, gamma isoform 0.288
fzd5 frizzled homolog 5 0.276
foxd3 forkhead box D3 0.273
fgf3 fibroblast growth factor 3 0.270
gyltl1b glycosyltransferase-like 1b 0.267
lmo4a LIM domain only 4a 0.258
cdh1 cadherin 1, epithelial 0.256
rasl11b RAS-like, family 11, member B 0.252
ube2i ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I 0.248
yes1 v-yes-1 Yamaguchi sarcoma viral oncogene homolog 1 0.242
crkl v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog (avian)-like 0.241
notch3 notch homolog 3 0.235
mcm5 MCM5 minichromosome maintenance deficient 5 (S. cerevisiae) 0.231
supt5h suppressor of Ty 5 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.228
mbtps1 membrane-bound transcription factor protease, site 1 0.227
smad5 MAD homolog 5 (Drosophila) 0.220
cyp19a1a cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily A, polypeptide 1a 0.220
large like-glycosyltransferase 0.218
rnd3a Rho family GTPase 3a 0.217
ppp1r12a protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 12A 0.214
ywhae1 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, epsilon polypeptide 1 0.211
ywhaba tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, beta polypeptide a 0.206
socs3a suppressor of cytokine signaling 3a 0.205
mmp9 matrix metalloproteinase 9 0.205
cebpb CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), beta 0.205
dag1 dystroglycan 1 0.203
p4ha2 procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha polypeptide 2 0.202
waca WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil a 0.199
nrg2a neuregulin 2a 0.199
lmx1b.1 LIM homeobox transcription factor 1, beta 1 0.196
notch2 notch homolog 2 0.193
ptk2.1 protein tyrosine kinase 2a 0.191
furina furin (paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme) a 0.191
foxo3b forkhead box O3b 0.188
ets1a v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1a 0.186
med4 mediator complex subunit 4 0.185
gata1a GATA binding protein 1a 0.185
runx2b runt-related transcription factor 2b 0.184
wnt2bb wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2Bb 0.184
ilk integrin linked kinase 0.183
ube2na ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Na 0.181
disp1 dispatched homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.181
mitfa microphthalmia-associated transcription factor a 0.181
nrp2b neuropilin 2b 0.178
sall1a sal-like 1a (Drosophila) 0.178
pou5f1 POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 0.178
lrrtm1 leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 1 0.177
aurka aurora kinase A 0.176
traf4a tnf receptor-associated factor 4a 0.175
psen1 presenilin 1 0.174
rbb4l retinoblastoma binding protein 4, like 0.174
tjp3 tight junction protein 3 0.173
myog myogenin 0.171
bnip3lb BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3-like b 0.169
wif1 wnt inhibitory factor 1 0.169
per3 period homolog 3 (Drosophila) 0.169
si:ch211-212m21.5 si:ch211-212m21.5 0.164
ccnd1 cyclin D1 0.164
ephb4a eph receptor B4a 0.164
cyp19a1b cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily A, polypeptide 1b 0.163
her6 hairy-related 6 0.162
mcmbp minichromosome maintenance complex binding protein 0.162
dld deltaD 0.159
rbb4 retinoblastoma binding protein 4 0.159
si:dkeyp-22b2.3 si:dkeyp-22b2.3 0.157
pomt1 protein-O-mannosyltransferase 1 0.157
snai1a snail homolog 1a (Drosophila) 0.155
suv39h1a suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1a 0.155
pak1 p21/Cdc42/Rac1-activated kinase 1 0.154
prkci protein kinase C, iota 0.152
bmp2a bone morphogenetic protein 2a 0.152
setdb1b SET domain, bifurcated 1b 0.150
tal1 T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1 0.149
tnfrsfa tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member a 0.149
prmt5 protein arginine methyltransferase 5 0.148
zgc:111944 zgc:111944 0.147
whsc1 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 0.146
tbx6 T-box gene 6 0.146
junb jun B proto-oncogene 0.145
klf4 Kruppel-like factor 4 0.143
llgl2 lethal giant larvae homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.143
LOC100000687 signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain-containing protein 3-like 0.141
dusp6 dual specificity phosphatase 6 0.140
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Mad Mothers against dpp 0.999
N Notch 0.994
Su(H) Suppressor of Hairless 0.994
Akt1 CG4006 gene product from transcript CG4006-RA 0.994
brm brahma 0.988
p53 CG33336 gene product from transcript CG33336-RB 0.985
put punt 0.981
shot short stop 0.975
nej nejire 0.972
slmb supernumerary limbs 0.970
dco discs overgrown 0.965
rap retina aberrant in pattern 0.964
wg wingless 0.956
kis kismet 0.954
Dad Daughters against dpp 0.953
rpr reaper 0.945
ben bendless 0.944
ex expanded 0.944
Pi3K92E CG4141 gene product from transcript CG4141-RB 0.943
p120ctn Adherens junction protein p120 0.940
smo smoothened 0.937
dsh dishevelled 0.935
Pten CG5671 gene product from transcript CG5671-RB 0.926
rl rolled 0.923
tefu telomere fusion 0.921
eIF-4E Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E 0.910
Snr1 Snf5-related 1 0.910
Rho1 CG8416 gene product from transcript CG8416-RB 0.910
gig gigas 0.906
Cdc37 CG12019 gene product from transcript CG12019-RA 0.903
ebi CG4063 gene product from transcript CG4063-RA 0.891
Lis-1 Lissencephaly-1 0.884
fz frizzled 0.876
Hcf Host cell factor 0.866
Cul-3 Cullin-3 0.866
numb CG3779 gene product from transcript CG3779-RB 0.863
Atg1 Autophagy-specific gene 1 0.863
lin lines 0.863
aop anterior open 0.856
Top1 Topoisomerase 1 0.852
Rpd3 CG7471 gene product from transcript CG7471-RA 0.839
jumu jumeau 0.823
CG10414 CG10414 gene product from transcript CG10414-RA 0.816
Smox Smad on X 0.814
Pak PAK-kinase 0.814
Ube3a Ubiquitin protein ligase E3A 0.803
pr-set7 CG3307 gene product from transcript CG3307-RC 0.787
argos CG4531 gene product from transcript CG4531-RA 0.787
14-3-3epsilon CG31196 gene product from transcript CG31196-RA 0.784
Rbf Retinoblastoma-family protein 0.782
nmo nemo 0.778
spi spitz 0.773
lwr lesswright 0.769
klu klumpfuss 0.768
E(spl) Enhancer of split 0.764
eff effete 0.763
dlt discs lost 0.762
rictor rapamycin-insensitive companion of Tor 0.759
Myb Myb oncogene-like 0.752
Jra Jun-related antigen 0.752
htl heartless 0.748
ci cubitus interruptus 0.742
skpA CG16983 gene product from transcript CG16983-RD 0.741
brat brain tumor 0.737
dos daughter of sevenless 0.734
rut rutabaga 0.734
krz kurtz 0.730
drk downstream of receptor kinase 0.721
Kap-alpha3 karyopherin alpha3 0.716
His2Av Histone H2A variant 0.716
Adf1 Adh transcription factor 1 0.708
Tsc1 CG6147 gene product from transcript CG6147-RA 0.707
RYBP Ring and YY1 Binding Protein 0.706
CG13298 CG13298 gene product from transcript CG13298-RA 0.705
CkIIalpha Casein kinase II alpha subunit 0.705
not non-stop 0.704
sbb scribbler 0.703
Pka-C1 cAMP-dependent protein kinase 1 0.700
cg combgap 0.691
Mob2 CG11711 gene product from transcript CG11711-RC 0.688
CG11486 CG11486 gene product from transcript CG11486-RG 0.683
Bap60 Brahma associated protein 60kD 0.679
Pcaf CG4107 gene product from transcript CG4107-RA 0.669
L Lobe 0.665
bon bonus 0.663
Ada2b CG9638 gene product from transcript CG9638-RA 0.663
Pkn Protein kinase related to protein kinase N 0.658
mxc multi sex combs 0.648
Gap1 GTPase-activating protein 1 0.647
S6k RPS6-p70-protein kinase 0.647
eya eyes absent 0.646
polo CG12306 gene product from transcript CG12306-RA 0.642
scny scrawny 0.639
rin rasputin 0.630
Rab5 Rab-protein 5 0.629
pygo pygopus 0.623
gro groucho 0.619
Itp-r83A Inositol 1,4,5,-tris-phosphate receptor 0.615
dnc dunce 0.615
tgo tango 0.607
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism