The network for 'aromatic compound biosynthetic process' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

aromatic compound biosynthetic process

The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of aromatic compounds, any substance containing an aromatic carbon ring.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
egl-18 Protein EGL-18 0.995
pha-4 Protein PHA-4 0.960
vab-3 Protein VAB-3 0.909
let-502 Protein LET-502 0.900
hbl-1 Protein HBL-1 0.885
elt-6 Protein ELT-6 0.876
hlh-2 Protein HLH-2 0.871
cam-1 Protein CAM-1 0.871
his-64 Protein HIS-64 0.841
nhr-49 Protein NHR-49 0.830
lin-35 Protein LIN-35 0.826
ceh-20 Protein CEH-20 0.810
rsp-1 Protein RSP-1 0.808
nhr-67 Protein NHR-67 0.757
zip-7 Protein ZIP-7 0.753
daf-11 Protein DAF-11 0.751
nhr-2 Protein NHR-2 0.739
lin-29 Protein LIN-29 0.737
hif-1 Protein HIF-1 0.724
sma-6 Protein SMA-6 0.712
bet-1 Protein BET-1 0.690
daf-3 Protein DAF-3 0.653
apl-1 Protein APL-1 0.641
egl-46 Protein EGL-46 0.635
Y48E1A.1 Protein Y48E1A.1 0.627
F40F4.7 Protein F40F4.7 0.624
egl-27 Protein EGL-27 0.617
egl-13 Protein EGL-13 0.616
set-2 Protein SET-2 0.597
ten-1 Protein TEN-1 0.591
his-16 Protein HIS-16 0.571
his-61 Protein HIS-61 0.571
patr-1 Protein PATR-1 0.554
T09B4.5 Protein T09B4.5 0.554
lin-17 Protein LIN-17 0.545
his-1 Protein HIS-1 0.540
CELE_C18C4.5 Protein C18C4.5 0.536
C34F6.10 Protein C34F6.10 0.526
F53F10.2 Protein F53F10.2 0.513
mab-5 Protein MAB-5 0.510
D1081.8 Protein D1081.8 0.505
F39B2.1 Protein F39B2.1 0.502
attf-2 Protein ATTF-2 0.498
hlh-1 Protein HLH-1 0.495
fkh-9 Protein FKH-9 0.473
lin-45 Protein LIN-45 0.463
pkg-1 Protein PKG-1 0.462
pqn-44 Protein PQN-44 0.458
his-31 Protein HIS-31 0.458
unc-83 Protein UNC-83 0.454
eya-1 Protein EYA-1 0.449
H21P03.2 Protein H21P03.2 0.441
psa-3 Protein PSA-3 0.438
daf-14 Protein DAF-14 0.434
vab-10 Protein VAB-10 0.427
fkh-2 Protein FKH-2 0.424
rpn-1 Protein RPN-1 0.422
egl-44 Protein EGL-44 0.421
hcp-3 Protein HCP-3 0.412
pop-1 Protein POP-1 0.412
htz-1 Protein HTZ-1 0.410
npp-2 Protein NPP-2 0.409
CELE_F39H2.3 Protein F39H2.3 0.408
zyg-9 Protein ZYG-9 0.393
mca-1 Protein MCA-1 0.390
hda-2 Protein HDA-2 0.381
rfp-1 Protein RFP-1 0.372
pqn-59 Protein PQN-59 0.368
rpt-3 Protein RPT-3 0.367
dcr-1 Protein DCR-1 0.367
cnd-1 Protein CND-1 0.361
dct-18 Protein DCT-18 0.358
pbrm-1 Protein PBRM-1 0.358
pme-3 Protein PME-3 0.355
mcm-7 Protein MCM-7 0.352
lin-23 Protein LIN-23 0.350
his-46 Protein HIS-46 0.348
csn-4 Protein CSN-4 0.344
daf-1 Protein DAF-1 0.343
nud-1 Protein NUD-1 0.342
CELE_ZK337.2 Protein ZK337.2 0.341
ceh-16 Protein CEH-16 0.341
mbk-1 Protein MBK-1 0.339
unc-42 Protein UNC-42 0.338
ztf-2 Protein ZTF-2 0.337
bar-1 Protein BAR-1 0.335
hmg-5 Protein HMG-5 0.335
nhr-6 Protein NHR-6 0.335
tps-1 Protein TPS-1 0.333
soc-2 Protein SOC-2 0.332
rad-26 Protein RAD-26 0.329
srgp-1 Protein SRGP-1 0.328
unc-32 Protein UNC-32 0.327
ceh-32 Protein CEH-32 0.325
npp-9 Protein NPP-9 0.324
nhr-25 Protein NHR-25 0.324
his-68 Protein HIS-68 0.321
wrm-1 Protein WRM-1 0.321
scc-1 Protein SCC-1 0.318
plc-1 Protein PLC-1 0.318
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
mll myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila) 0.999
foxa2 forkhead box A2 0.998
bmp2b bone morphogenetic protein 2b 0.998
ntla no tail a 0.998
otx2 orthodenticle homolog 2 0.997
gli1 GLI-Kruppel family member 1 0.997
klf4 Kruppel-like factor 4 0.996
eomesa eomesodermin homolog a 0.994
ndr2 nodal-related 2 0.993
nkx3.2 NK3 homeobox 2 0.989
rx3 retinal homeobox gene 3 0.987
spry4 sprouty (Drosophila) homolog 4 0.986
fgf3 fibroblast growth factor 3 0.986
gata6 GATA-binding protein 6 0.984
chd chordin 0.982
ptf1a pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a 0.981
wnt5b wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5b 0.978
otpa orthopedia homolog a 0.976
vent ventral expressed homeobox 0.969
twist3 twist3 0.967
irx7 iroquois homeobox protein 7 0.966
notch1a notch homolog 1a 0.964
ins preproinsulin 0.963
brd4 bromodomain containing 4 0.963
cdh1 cadherin 1, epithelial 0.962
msgn1 mesogenin 1 0.962
etv5b ets variant 5b 0.961
foxi1 forkhead box I1 0.958
dlx5a distal-less homeobox gene 5a 0.950
otpb orthopedia homolog b 0.949
pax8 paired box gene 8 0.946
tll1 tolloid-like 1 0.945
lhx5 LIM homeobox 5 0.941
lef1 lymphocyte enhancer binding factor 1 0.940
shha sonic hedgehog a 0.940
fezf2 FEZ family zinc finger 2 0.937
smad7 MAD, mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7 (Drosophila) 0.936
pitx3 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3 0.935
mespa mesoderm posterior a 0.933
irx4b iroquois homeobox protein 4b 0.933
snai1b snail homolog 1b (Drosophila) 0.929
pitx2 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 0.928
lft1 lefty1 0.928
per2 period homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.928
wnt11 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 0.922
ascl1a achaete-scute complex-like 1a (Drosophila) 0.919
otx1b orthodenticle homolog 1b 0.916
runx2b runt-related transcription factor 2b 0.915
tbx24 T-box 24 0.913
zic2b zic family member 2 (odd-paired homolog, Drosophila) b 0.913
oprm1 opioid receptor, mu 1 0.911
fgf24 fibroblast growth factor 24 0.904
hoxb1b homeo box B1b 0.897
sox32 SRY-box containing gene 32 0.895
six3b sine oculis homeobox homolog 3b 0.888
fzd7a frizzled homolog 7a 0.888
gpia glucose phosphate isomerase a 0.883
mstnb myostatin b 0.873
twist1b twist1b 0.873
twist1a twist1a 0.871
gbx1 gastrulation brain homeobox 1 0.870
notch3 notch homolog 3 0.868
eve1 even-skipped-like1 0.867
grem2 gremlin 2, cysteine knot superfamily 0.865
meis3 myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 3 0.864
boc brother of CDO 0.862
nkx2.5 NK2 transcription factor related 5 0.862
etv2 ets variant gene 2 0.857
pcdh8 protocadherin 8 0.856
foxp2 forkhead box P2 0.855
tbx16 T-box gene 16 0.853
ube2i ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I 0.848
axin2 axin 2 (conductin, axil) 0.846
smyhc1 slow myosin heavy chain 1 0.845
foxa3 forkhead box A3 0.843
tbx18 T-box 18 0.843
sesn1 sestrin 1 0.836
acvr1b activin A receptor, type IB 0.836
alas2 aminolevulinate, delta-, synthetase 2 0.830
dlc deltaC 0.825
traf4a tnf receptor-associated factor 4a 0.821
pax2a paired box gene 2a 0.821
fgfr4 fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 0.818
nfkbiab nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha b 0.817
tyr tyrosinase 0.816
otx5 orthodenticle homolog 5 0.812
mc2r melanocortin 2 receptor 0.811
dharma dharma 0.810
nkx2.1b NK2 homeobox 1b 0.809
hhip hedgehog interacting protein 0.799
mecom MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus 0.797
neurod4 neurogenic differentiation 4 0.797
her1 hairy-related 1 0.795
sox17 SRY-box containing gene 17 0.788
six1b sine oculis homeobox homolog 1b 0.787
runx1 runt-related transcription factor 1 0.787
dlx3b distal-less homeobox gene 3b 0.785
hey1 hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 1 0.783
npy8br neuropeptide Y receptor Y8b 0.783
gata4 GATA-binding protein 4 0.781
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism