The network for 'reproductive process in single celled organism' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

reproductive process in single celled organism

A process, occurring at the cellular level, that is involved in the reproductive function of a single-celled organism.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
SPO21 Spo21p 0.915
GIP1 Gip1p 0.857
ADY3 Ady3p 0.821
SPS22 Sps22p 0.808
RAS2 Ras2p 0.669
DIT2 Dit2p 0.638
YPT1 Ypt1p 0.636
SEC9 Sec9p 0.557
FIG1 Fig1p 0.523
MYO5 Myo5p 0.507
GLC7 Glc7p 0.488
OSW1 Osw1p 0.476
PDS5 Pds5p 0.464
GIS1 Gis1p 0.452
DIT1 Dit1p 0.447
MLC1 Mlc1p 0.445
CDC25 Cdc25p 0.429
OSW2 Osw2p 0.423
SSP1 Ssp1p 0.421
SST2 Sst2p 0.406
CBK1 Cbk1p 0.400
MPC54 Mpc54p 0.394
AQY2 Aqy2p 0.390
YLR455W hypothetical protein 0.390
MYO4 Myo4p 0.389
SMA2 Sma2p 0.378
CRR1 Crr1p 0.377
KCS1 Kcs1p 0.372
PRM1 Prm1p 0.361
PKH2 Pkh2p 0.361
SWI4 Swi4p 0.349
RGS2 Rgs2p 0.344
OPY2 Opy2p 0.343
SMK1 Smk1p 0.334
SHC1 Shc1p 0.327
FKS3 Fks3p 0.312
DON1 Don1p 0.307
HHO1 Hho1p 0.301
CDA1 Cda1p 0.301
ECM8 Ecm8p 0.291
SPO71 Spo71p 0.289
DTR1 Dtr1p 0.284
CPR1 Cpr1p 0.275
AGA1 Aga1p 0.275
HST3 Hst3p 0.270
PPZ1 Ppz1p 0.269
FUS1 Fus1p 0.268
SAW1 Saw1p 0.268
NAS6 Nas6p 0.264
PCD1 Pcd1p 0.263
SWI1 Swi1p 0.256
ROX1 Rox1p 0.255
YSW1 Ysw1p 0.251
PCK1 Pck1p 0.251
SIN3 Sin3p 0.250
LAP4 Lap4p 0.248
GSC2 Gsc2p 0.242
ATG7 Atg7p 0.242
SPR3 Spr3p 0.240
MLH3 Mlh3p 0.240
MIG3 Mig3p 0.238
HIM1 Him1p 0.229
PMS1 Pms1p 0.228
MNN9 Mnn9p 0.226
SHE4 She4p 0.224
SSP2 Ssp2p 0.224
HSL1 Hsl1p 0.223
PRM2 Prm2p 0.219
NEM1 Nem1p 0.217
VPS13 Vps13p 0.215
IRA1 Ira1p 0.214
SPO13 Spo13p 0.209
CAT8 Cat8p 0.209
MIG2 Mig2p 0.209
NKP2 Nkp2p 0.206
RCO1 Rco1p 0.204
SSO2 Sso2p 0.204
RIM8 Rim8p 0.203
BCK2 Bck2p 0.201
PDR10 Pdr10p 0.200
SLZ1 Slz1p 0.199
CDA2 Cda2p 0.199
MSN1 Msn1p 0.198
GPI1 Gpi1p 0.197
ARC35 Arc35p 0.196
IME4 Ime4p 0.191
SPO74 Spo74p 0.191
KIN1 Kin1p 0.189
RHO1 Rho1p 0.188
MLH1 Mlh1p 0.184
IRC18 Irc18p 0.183
SPR28 Spr28p 0.181
PUT4 Put4p 0.178
VID24 Vid24p 0.178
YNL194C hypothetical protein 0.176
CKB1 Ckb1p 0.172
SPO19 Spo19p 0.172
IRC8 Irc8p 0.171
RIM15 Rim15p 0.171
TOM1 Tom1p 0.166
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism