The network for 'sexual sporulation' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

sexual sporulation

The formation of spores derived from the products of meiosis.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
SPO21 Spo21p 0.983
ADY3 Ady3p 0.947
GIP1 Gip1p 0.898
MPC54 Mpc54p 0.783
SPS22 Sps22p 0.776
HHT1 Hht1p 0.719
DIT2 Dit2p 0.655
CRR1 Crr1p 0.628
FKS3 Fks3p 0.606
IRA1 Ira1p 0.599
RAS2 Ras2p 0.573
SPO71 Spo71p 0.555
OSW1 Osw1p 0.522
DIT1 Dit1p 0.507
DTR1 Dtr1p 0.490
PCK1 Pck1p 0.485
YPT1 Ypt1p 0.474
CMD1 Cmd1p 0.451
HHF2 Hhf2p 0.431
SPR3 Spr3p 0.428
HHF1 Hhf1p 0.419
SSP1 Ssp1p 0.418
SNF4 Snf4p 0.414
AQY2 Aqy2p 0.410
SMK1 Smk1p 0.405
ECM8 Ecm8p 0.383
RGS2 Rgs2p 0.378
PPZ1 Ppz1p 0.372
SPO23 Spo23p 0.343
SEC9 Sec9p 0.342
VAC7 Vac7p 0.333
DON1 Don1p 0.327
MIG3 Mig3p 0.326
OSW2 Osw2p 0.314
LAP4 Lap4p 0.312
ROX1 Rox1p 0.303
HIM1 Him1p 0.302
IRC18 Irc18p 0.296
NPR2 Npr2p 0.296
SEC1 Sec1p 0.293
CDA2 Cda2p 0.289
MIG1 Mig1p 0.288
HHT2 Hht2p 0.286
VPS27 Vps27p 0.273
SSO1 Sso1p 0.272
BMH2 Bmh2p 0.270
SWF1 Swf1p 0.270
PUT4 Put4p 0.263
CSR2 Csr2p 0.263
ATG7 Atg7p 0.259
DFG16 Dfg16p 0.252
MOB1 Mob1p 0.241
SMA2 Sma2p 0.238
RIM15 Rim15p 0.237
UBC8 Ubc8p 0.237
YSW1 Ysw1p 0.234
HXT7 Hxt7p 0.232
YHR140W hypothetical protein 0.231
HTB2 Htb2p 0.231
GLC7 Glc7p 0.227
SRL4 Srl4p 0.225
RIM101 Rim101p 0.224
CWP2 Cwp2p 0.223
AMA1 Ama1p 0.222
HXT6 Hxt6p 0.221
VID24 Vid24p 0.216
CDC11 Cdc11p 0.212
VPS13 Vps13p 0.206
SPO74 Spo74p 0.206
IME4 Ime4p 0.203
PKH2 Pkh2p 0.199
CDA1 Cda1p 0.198
HXT10 Hxt10p 0.197
POG1 Pog1p 0.185
GSC2 Gsc2p 0.185
SDP1 Sdp1p 0.180
SHE4 She4p 0.178
PDR10 Pdr10p 0.178
RFS1 Rfs1p 0.175
SPO19 Spo19p 0.173
SPR28 Spr28p 0.172
TPO2 Tpo2p 0.171
HSL1 Hsl1p 0.170
GIS1 Gis1p 0.169
IRA2 Ira2p 0.169
RRT12 Rrt12p 0.169
YGL101W hypothetical protein 0.167
GAL10 Gal10p 0.166
HTA2 Hta2p 0.158
SMA1 Sma1p 0.158
HXT3 Hxt3p 0.157
YGL230C hypothetical protein 0.152
IME1 Ime1p 0.152
SOL1 Sol1p 0.151
YMR244W hypothetical protein 0.149
RIM13 Rim13p 0.147
SPO13 Spo13p 0.146
SSP2 Ssp2p 0.144
HTA1 Hta1p 0.143
CDC20 Cdc20p 0.143
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism