The network for 'covalent chromatin modification' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

covalent chromatin modification

The alteration of DNA or protein in chromatin by the covalent addition or removal of chemical groups.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
HHT1 Hht1p 1.000
TRA1 Tra1p 1.000
ADA2 Ada2p 0.999
SPT8 Spt8p 0.998
SET1 Set1p 0.995
HFI1 Hfi1p 0.992
TAF6 Taf6p 0.992
NGG1 Ngg1p 0.989
SWD3 Swd3p 0.984
TAF5 Taf5p 0.982
BDF1 Bdf1p 0.979
GCN5 Gcn5p 0.976
SET2 Set2p 0.976
SDC1 Sdc1p 0.974
SGF29 Sgf29p 0.972
RTF1 Rtf1p 0.963
SPT20 Spt20p 0.962
EAF1 Eaf1p 0.942
SUS1 Sus1p 0.941
SNT1 Snt1p 0.921
UBP8 Ubp8p 0.921
SWD1 Swd1p 0.914
EPL1 Epl1p 0.901
ESA1 Esa1p 0.890
SGF73 Sgf73p 0.873
ASF1 Asf1p 0.870
HDA1 Hda1p 0.860
SPT7 Spt7p 0.854
SET3 Set3p 0.849
YNG1 Yng1p 0.846
SPP1 Spp1p 0.836
RCO1 Rco1p 0.822
YNG2 Yng2p 0.798
HOS2 Hos2p 0.791
HAT1 Hat1p 0.778
YAF9 Yaf9p 0.763
RTT106 Rtt106p 0.759
SPT3 Spt3p 0.739
ARP4 Arp4p 0.688
HIF1 Hif1p 0.659
HHO1 Hho1p 0.651
LEO1 Leo1p 0.646
CHD1 Chd1p 0.617
EAF5 Eaf5p 0.601
HOS4 Hos4p 0.587
TAF10 Taf10p 0.571
SIN3 Sin3p 0.554
TAF12 Taf12p 0.533
HDA3 Hda3p 0.518
RPD3 Rpd3p 0.464
NAT1 Nat1p 0.455
HDA2 Hda2p 0.442
SIF2 Sif2p 0.432
VPS64 Vps64p 0.390
RTT109 Rtt109p 0.385
SGF11 Sgf11p 0.369
EAF6 Eaf6p 0.354
SPT16 Spt16p 0.340
CLB2 Clb2p 0.337
BRE2 Bre2p 0.327
SPT15 Spt15p 0.318
AHC1 Ahc1p 0.314
CDC4 Cdc4p 0.302
TAF9 Taf9p 0.286
RSC1 Rsc1p 0.286
RPB3 Rpb3p 0.285
CKS1 Cks1p 0.283
HHT2 Hht2p 0.278
SIC1 Sic1p 0.272
SIR2 Sir2p 0.271
SAP190 Sap190p 0.262
ESF1 Esf1p 0.257
HST1 Hst1p 0.257
FAR11 Far11p 0.254
CLB1 Clb1p 0.252
DPB3 Dpb3p 0.251
YTA7 Yta7p 0.249
PFD1 Pfd1p 0.236
SAS3 Sas3p 0.231
SWI4 Swi4p 0.231
FKH1 Fkh1p 0.228
MUB1 Mub1p 0.223
ARX1 Arx1p 0.222
ISW1 Isw1p 0.214
SDS3 Sds3p 0.206
RSP5 Rsp5p 0.201
SWI5 Swi5p 0.189
CAC2 Cac2p 0.186
EAF7 Eaf7p 0.185
PEP3 Pep3p 0.183
CLB4 Clb4p 0.172
UME1 Ume1p 0.168
SPT5 Spt5p 0.157
RAD27 Rad27p 0.156
HAS1 Has1p 0.154
HIR2 Hir2p 0.154
RAD52 Rad52p 0.154
ZDS1 Zds1p 0.150
SAS5 Sas5p 0.149
FKH2 Fkh2p 0.147
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
his-5 Protein HIS-5 0.439
his-1 Protein HIS-1 0.419
vab-1 Protein VAB-1 0.345
his-46 Protein HIS-46 0.339
apr-1 Protein APR-1 0.295
egl-18 Protein EGL-18 0.245
his-50 Protein HIS-50 0.221
rfp-1 Protein RFP-1 0.208
nfya-1 Protein NFYA-1 0.189
his-38 Protein HIS-38 0.164
dcr-1 Protein DCR-1 0.149
his-64 Protein HIS-64 0.144
nasp-1 Protein NASP-1 0.141
pha-4 Protein PHA-4 0.139
elt-6 Protein ELT-6 0.127
hcp-3 Protein HCP-3 0.126
kle-2 Protein KLE-2 0.122
ada-2 Protein ADA-2 0.118
F33H2.3 Protein F33H2.3 0.112
Y87G2A.1 Protein Y87G2A.1 0.112
cks-1 Protein CKS-1 0.091
his-31 Protein HIS-31 0.090
attf-2 Protein ATTF-2 0.089
mdt-19 Protein MDT-19 0.083
F33H1.4 Protein F33H1.4 0.081
B0336.3 Protein B0336.3 0.078
npp-19 Protein NPP-19 0.077
wrm-1 Protein WRM-1 0.076
him-17 Protein HIM-17 0.075
ubr-1 Protein UBR-1 0.074
F55A3.3 Protein F55A3.3 0.073
hda-2 Protein HDA-2 0.072
uaf-1 Protein UAF-1 0.072
C53B4.4 Protein C53B4.4 0.070
unc-40 Protein UNC-40 0.069
Y54E5A.7 Protein Y54E5A.7 0.069
mes-4 Protein MES-4 0.069
set-2 Protein SET-2 0.068
iff-1 Protein IFF-1 0.066
usp-46 Protein USP-46 0.065
tra-4 Protein TRA-4 0.065
nhr-2 Protein NHR-2 0.061
bmk-1 Protein BMK-1 0.058
lin-54 Protein LIN-54 0.055
lin-36 Protein LIN-36 0.053
rpn-1 Protein RPN-1 0.053
top-2 Protein TOP-2 0.052
met-1 Protein MET-1 0.052
CELE_W01A8.5 Protein W01A8.5 0.052
mix-1 Protein MIX-1 0.052
ZK328.4 Protein ZK328.4 0.052
F08B4.7 Protein F08B4.7 0.052
hil-2 Protein HIL-2 0.051
set-1 Protein SET-1 0.051
spr-5 Protein SPR-5 0.051
sdc-1 Protein SDC-1 0.050
dpff-1 Protein DPFF-1 0.050
CELE_B0513.2 Protein B0513.2 0.050
hyls-1 Protein HYLS-1 0.049
lst-3 Protein LST-3 0.049
sun-1 Protein SUN-1 0.049
K07C5.4 Protein K07C5.4 0.048
lis-1 Protein LIS-1 0.048
hda-1 Protein HDA-1 0.047
tac-1 Protein TAC-1 0.046
CELE_Y41E3.11 Protein Y41E3.11 0.046
F33E11.3 Protein F33E11.3 0.045
Y32B12B.2 Protein Y32B12B.2 0.045
hlh-11 Protein HLH-11 0.045
lex-1 Protein LEX-1 0.044
lin-35 Protein LIN-35 0.044
F25H5.5 Protein F25H5.5 0.044
his-16 Protein HIS-16 0.043
ceh-39 Protein CEH-39 0.042
K05C4.7 Protein K05C4.7 0.042
F54C9.9 Protein F54C9.9 0.042
capg-1 Protein CAPG-1 0.042
F28B3.1 Protein F28B3.1 0.041
eea-1 Protein EEA-1 0.041
hcp-4 Protein HCP-4 0.041
bir-1 Protein BIR-1 0.041
sta-1 Protein STA-1 0.040
npp-7 Protein NPP-7 0.040
F23H11.2 Protein F23H11.2 0.040
pfs-2 Protein PFS-2 0.039
brf-1 Protein BRF-1 0.039
ran-1 Protein RAN-1 0.039
spd-1 Protein SPD-1 0.039
pde-2 Protein PDE-2 0.039
nhr-49 Protein NHR-49 0.039
F35G12.4 Protein F35G12.4 0.039
B0393.3 Protein B0393.3 0.038
rnp-6 Protein RNP-6 0.038
rha-1 Protein RHA-1 0.037
pry-1 Protein PRY-1 0.037
K01G5.5 Protein K01G5.5 0.036
aps-2 Protein APS-2 0.035
aat-9 Protein AAT-9 0.035
rps-2 Protein RPS-2 0.035
CELE_B0238.11 Protein B0238.11 0.035
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
zfyve26 zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 26 0.375
kdrl kinase insert domain receptor like 0.367
whsc1 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 0.277
nasp nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein (histone-binding) 0.247
prdm9 PR domain containing 9 0.204
smyd2a SET and MYND domain containing 2a 0.199
smyd1a SET and MYND domain containing 1a 0.167
suv39h1b suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1b 0.162
setdb1a SET domain, bifurcated 1a 0.161
setd2 SET domain containing 2 0.159
tardbp TAR DNA binding protein 0.142
whsc1l1 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1-like 1 0.136
ube2i ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I 0.131
ccnb2 cyclin B2 0.129
ehmt1a euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1a 0.129
rbb4 retinoblastoma binding protein 4 0.125
mll4a myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 4a 0.124
ing3 inhibitor of growth family, member 3 0.119
lyz lysozyme 0.115
sephs1 selenophosphate synthetase 1 0.110
pcna proliferating cell nuclear antigen 0.108
setd5 SET domain containing 5 0.101
mpx myeloid-specific peroxidase 0.097
cry1a cryptochrome 1a 0.096
gle1 GLE1 RNA export mediator homolog (yeast) 0.096
ehmt1b euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1b 0.092
prdm2b PR domain containing 2, with ZNF domain b 0.088
tcf7l1a transcription factor 7-like 1a (T-cell specific, HMG-box) 0.085
prmt5 protein arginine methyltransferase 5 0.084
rcc2 regulator of chromosome condensation 2 0.082
apex1 APEX nuclease (multifunctional DNA repair enzyme) 1 0.080
eef2k elongation factor-2 kinase 0.079
ezh2 enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.077
mll2 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 2 0.077
cbx5 chromobox homolog 5 (HP1 alpha homolog, Drosophila) 0.077
cbx2 chromobox homolog 2 (Drosophila Pc class) 0.077
ehmt2 euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2 0.076
twist1a twist1a 0.071
mcm5 MCM5 minichromosome maintenance deficient 5 (S. cerevisiae) 0.070
actl6a actin-like 6A 0.070
ef1a elongation factor 1-alpha 0.070
ppm1g protein phosphatase 1G (formerly 2C), magnesium-dependent, gamma isoform 0.069
diexf digestive organ expansion factor homolog 0.067
per2 period homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.067
hcfc1a host cell factor C1a 0.065
setd8b SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 8b 0.065
myf5 myogenic factor 5 0.065
acvr1b activin A receptor, type IB 0.062
zgc:103670 zgc:103670 0.059
tal1 T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1 0.059
ssrp1a structure specific recognition protein 1a 0.058
setdb1b SET domain, bifurcated 1b 0.056
hp1bp3 heterochromatin protein 1, binding protein 3 0.054
suv420h1 suppressor of variegation 4-20 homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.054
cmyb transcription factor cmyb 0.053
ywhabb tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, beta polypeptide b 0.052
usp5 ubiquitin specific protease 5 0.052
nop56 NOP56 ribonucleoprotein homolog 0.052
zc4h2 zinc finger, C4H2 domain containing 0.052
prdm11 PR domain containing 11 0.050
h3f3a H3 histone, family 3A 0.050
ywhaba tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, beta polypeptide a 0.050
ggnbp2 gametogenetin binding protein 2 0.050
axin1 axin 1 0.049
rnf41 ring finger protein 41 0.049
wdr5 WD repeat domain 5 0.047
prdm4 PR domain containing 4 0.046
hirip3 HIRA interacting protein 3 0.046
smyd3 SET and MYND domain containing 3 0.045
stk35l serine/threonine kinase 35, like 0.045
usp1 ubiquitin specific protease 1 0.045
smc3 structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 0.042
xbp1 X-box binding protein 1 0.041
mtmr8 myotubularin related protein 8 0.041
suv39h1a suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1a 0.040
rnf2 ring finger protein 2 0.040
myog myogenin 0.040
mcrs1 microspherule protein 1 0.040
nrg2a neuregulin 2a 0.039
zgc:114097 zgc:114097 0.039
rif1 RAP1 interacting factor homolog (yeast) 0.039
med4 mediator complex subunit 4 0.039
prkcea protein kinase C, epsilon a 0.039
ahctf1 AT hook containing transcription factor 1 0.038
taf1 TAF1 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor 0.038
setd8a SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 8a 0.038
elk4 ELK4, ETS-domain protein 0.037
eif4a1a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A, isoform 1A 0.037
rpa1 replication protein A1 0.036
tfip11 tuftelin interacting protein 11 0.036
prdm8b PR domain containing 8b 0.036
gro1 groucho 1 0.035
cbx1a chromobox homolog 1a (HP1 beta homolog Drosophila) 0.035
smyd5 SMYD family member 5 0.035
dnajc11 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 11 0.035
rarga retinoic acid receptor gamma a 0.035
pold1 polymerase (DNA directed), delta 1, catalytic subunit 0.034
ube2i2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I2 0.033
wdr76 WD repeat domain 76 0.032
cry5 cryptochrome 5 0.032
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Pcaf CG4107 gene product from transcript CG4107-RA 0.985
egg eggless 0.930
wds will die slowly 0.912
Hcf Host cell factor 0.898
CG10414 CG10414 gene product from transcript CG10414-RA 0.885
Dref DNA replication-related element factor 0.860
Sir2 CG5216 gene product from transcript CG5216-RA 0.840
jumu jumeau 0.831
Su(var)205 Suppressor of variegation 205 0.828
Pp1-87B Protein phosphatase 1 at 87B 0.822
dik diskette 0.813
Scm Sex comb on midleg 0.790
nej nejire 0.750
Iswi Imitation SWI 0.737
Caf1-180 CG12109 gene product from transcript CG12109-RB 0.733
CG3363 CG3363 gene product from transcript CG3363-RB 0.711
Chrac-14 CG13399 gene product from transcript CG13399-RA 0.699
pr-set7 CG3307 gene product from transcript CG3307-RC 0.685
Mad Mothers against dpp 0.674
Rga Regena 0.671
mof males absent on the first 0.662
not non-stop 0.662
Su(var)3-3 Suppressor of variegation 3-3 0.638
mod(mdg4) modifier of mdg4 0.631
sti sticky 0.627
fzy fizzy 0.627
lwr lesswright 0.623
D1 D1 chromosomal protein 0.620
BRWD3 CG31132 gene product from transcript CG31132-RA 0.607
Gap1 GTPase-activating protein 1 0.605
Snr1 Snf5-related 1 0.595
pan pangolin 0.590
CG16812 CG16812 gene product from transcript CG16812-RA 0.584
dom domino 0.581
E(z) Enhancer of zeste 0.570
cg combgap 0.555
Atac1 ATAC component 1 0.541
Pcl Polycomblike 0.526
Pc Polycomb 0.512
mi minus 0.511
ed echinoid 0.505
wapl wings apart-like 0.499
Mcm10 Sensitized chromosome inheritance modifier 19 0.476
Mocs2 Molybdopterin synthase 2 0.466
SuUR Suppressor of Under-Replication 0.464
Su(var)2-10 Suppressor of variegation 2-10 0.458
sxc super sex combs 0.436
Chro Chromator 0.427
SelD Selenide,water dikinase 0.421
His2Av Histone H2A variant 0.416
brat brain tumor 0.407
crm cramped 0.407
Pka-C1 cAMP-dependent protein kinase 1 0.406
msl-3 male-specific lethal 3 0.404
Su(var)3-7 Suppressor of variegation 3-7 0.404
brm brahma 0.403
e(y)1 enhancer of yellow 1 0.389
mle maleless 0.376
trx trithorax 0.372
Lnk CG17367 gene product from transcript CG17367-RC 0.358
puc puckered 0.325
msl-1 male-specific lethal 1 0.323
Axn Axin 0.320
Saf6 SAGA factor-like TAF6 0.314
Top2 Topoisomerase 2 0.313
Nf-YB Nuclear factor Y-box B 0.313
Sgf29 CG30390 gene product from transcript CG30390-RA 0.312
Caf1 Chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit 0.312
SMC2 CG10212 gene product from transcript CG10212-RA 0.311
CycD Cyclin D 0.311
CG4266 CG4266 gene product from transcript CG4266-RA 0.305
pzg putzig 0.304
Stat92E Signal-transducer and activator of transcription protein at 92E 0.298
CG5591 CG5591 gene product from transcript CG5591-RA 0.288
Su(z)2 Suppressor of zeste 2 0.284
Su(var)2-HP2 CG12864 gene product from transcript CG12864-RB 0.277
tws twins 0.269
CSN6 COP9 complex homolog subunit 6 0.265
Top1 Topoisomerase 1 0.263
D12 CG13400 gene product from transcript CG13400-RA 0.256
sev sevenless 0.256
Smr Smrter 0.252
hth homothorax 0.251
esc extra sexcombs 0.235
Hmr Hybrid male rescue 0.225
calypso CG8445 gene product from transcript CG8445-RB 0.222
cyp33 cyclophilin-33 0.220
CstF-50 CG2261 gene product from transcript CG2261-RA 0.217
l(3)mbt lethal (3) malignant brain tumor 0.217
sno strawberry notch 0.214
CG11593 CG11593 gene product from transcript CG11593-RB 0.214
skd skuld 0.211
mod modulo 0.209
r2d2 CG7138 gene product from transcript CG7138-RB 0.206
dco discs overgrown 0.199
CycK Cyclin K 0.198
His1:CG31617 CG31617 gene product from transcript CG31617-RA 0.197
Akt1 CG4006 gene product from transcript CG4006-RA 0.194
kni knirps 0.185
U2af38 U2 small nuclear riboprotein auxiliary factor 38 0.181
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
MLL myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila) 1.000
HDAC1 histone deacetylase 1 1.000
CREBBP CREB binding protein 1.000
BRCA1 breast cancer 1, early onset 1.000
WDR5 WD repeat domain 5 1.000
TP53 tumor protein p53 1.000
HDAC2 histone deacetylase 2 1.000
SIN3A SIN3 homolog A, transcription regulator (yeast) 1.000
TRRAP transformation/transcription domain-associated protein 1.000
JUN jun proto-oncogene 1.000
NCOR1 nuclear receptor corepressor 1 1.000
SMARCA4 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 1.000
HCFC1 host cell factor C1 (VP16-accessory protein) 1.000
ACTL6A actin-like 6A 1.000
ESR1 estrogen receptor 1 1.000
RUVBL1 RuvB-like 1 (E. coli) 1.000
EP300 E1A binding protein p300 1.000
H2AFX H2A histone family, member X 1.000
KDM1A lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1A 1.000
SIRT1 sirtuin 1 1.000
RB1 retinoblastoma 1 1.000
MDC1 mediator of DNA-damage checkpoint 1 0.999
RBBP4 retinoblastoma binding protein 4 0.999
NCOR2 nuclear receptor corepressor 2 0.999
KAT2A K(lysine) acetyltransferase 2A 0.999
SP1 Sp1 transcription factor 0.999
RELA v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian) 0.999
MYST3 MYST histone acetyltransferase (monocytic leukemia) 3 0.999
SMARCC1 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily c, member 1 0.999
UBE2I ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I (UBC9 homolog, yeast) 0.999
HIST2H3C histone cluster 2, H3c 0.999
MAPK14 mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 0.999
HIST1H3B histone cluster 1, H3b 0.998
TRIM28 tripartite motif containing 28 0.998
USP22 ubiquitin specific peptidase 22 0.998
C20orf20 chromosome 20 open reading frame 20 0.998
ASH2L ash2 (absent, small, or homeotic)-like (Drosophila) 0.997
CBX5 chromobox homolog 5 0.997
TAF4 TAF4 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 135kDa 0.994
KAT5 K(lysine) acetyltransferase 5 0.994
NBN nibrin 0.993
DAXX death-domain associated protein 0.990
YY1 YY1 transcription factor 0.989
SUV39H1 suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.988
TBP TATA box binding protein 0.987
DNMT1 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 1 0.987
HTT huntingtin 0.987
NCOA6 nuclear receptor coactivator 6 0.986
MYC v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) 0.986
TCF3 transcription factor 3 (E2A immunoglobulin enhancer binding factors E12/E47) 0.985
H3F3C H3 histone, family 3C 0.985
KAT2B K(lysine) acetyltransferase 2B 0.984
EZH2 enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.984
NCOA1 nuclear receptor coactivator 1 0.981
MCM7 minichromosome maintenance complex component 7 0.981
HDAC3 histone deacetylase 3 0.979
TAF9 TAF9 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 32kDa 0.978
PARP1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 0.977
DOT1L DOT1-like, histone H3 methyltransferase (S. cerevisiae) 0.976
CREB1 cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 0.976
MTA1 metastasis associated 1 0.974
ACTB actin, beta 0.973
MYST1 MYST histone acetyltransferase 1 0.973
CDK2 cyclin-dependent kinase 2 0.973
UBR5 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 5 0.972
SUMO2 SMT3 suppressor of mif two 3 homolog 2 (S. cerevisiae) 0.971
CHD8 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 8 0.970
DDB1 damage-specific DNA binding protein 1, 127kDa 0.967
TP53BP1 tumor protein p53 binding protein 1 0.965
NCF1 neutrophil cytosolic factor 1 0.965
MED15 mediator complex subunit 15 0.964
MLLT1 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 1 0.963
CHD4 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4 0.962
RBBP5 retinoblastoma binding protein 5 0.959
RUVBL2 RuvB-like 2 (E. coli) 0.957
BCOR BCL6 corepressor 0.955
BCL6 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 0.955
CXXC1 CXXC finger protein 1 0.951
USP7 ubiquitin specific peptidase 7 (herpes virus-associated) 0.951
INCENP inner centromere protein antigens 135/155kDa 0.942
AURKB aurora kinase B 0.942
RPAP3 RNA polymerase II associated protein 3 0.941
HIST2H2AC histone cluster 2, H2ac 0.941
CBX7 chromobox homolog 7 0.939
MAP3K7 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 0.938
GSK3B glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta 0.937
PRKCA protein kinase C, alpha 0.928
VDR vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor 0.919
SMAD4 SMAD family member 4 0.916
ADNP activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox 0.916
PPP1CA protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, alpha isozyme 0.914
CDC73 cell division cycle 73, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.912
RNF20 ring finger protein 20 0.910
E2F1 E2F transcription factor 1 0.902
MLL3 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 3 0.900
MORF4L1 mortality factor 4 like 1 0.898
ARID1A AT rich interactive domain 1A (SWI-like) 0.892
NIPBL Nipped-B homolog (Drosophila) 0.891
KPNA1 karyopherin alpha 1 (importin alpha 5) 0.891
IKBKAP inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells, kinase complex-associated protein 0.888
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Rnf2 ring finger protein 2 1.000
Arid1a AT rich interactive domain 1A (SWI-like) 1.000
Trp53 transformation related protein 53 1.000
Smarca4 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 1.000
Pou5f1 POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 1.000
Rybp RING1 and YY1 binding protein 1.000
Ezh2 enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Drosophila) 1.000
Sin3a transcriptional regulator, SIN3A (yeast) 0.999
Kat2a K(lysine) acetyltransferase 2A 0.999
Clock circadian locomotor output cycles kaput 0.995
Wdr5 WD repeat domain 5 0.995
Nanog Nanog homeobox 0.995
Crebbp CREB binding protein 0.994
Mta1 metastasis associated 1 0.993
Jarid2 jumonji, AT rich interactive domain 2 0.993
Mdm2 transformed mouse 3T3 cell double minute 2 0.992
Smarcc1 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily c, member 1 0.991
Kdm1a lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1A 0.991
Mll1 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 1 0.989
Rbbp4 retinoblastoma binding protein 4 0.981
Smarca2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 0.978
Suz12 suppressor of zeste 12 homolog (Drosophila) 0.975
Arid1b AT rich interactive domain 1B (SWI-like) 0.974
Tcf3 transcription factor 3 0.971
Tal1 T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1 0.968
Ep300 E1A binding protein p300 0.964
Hdac1 histone deacetylase 1 0.963
Mga MAX gene associated 0.957
Sox2 SRY-box containing gene 2 0.954
Rbbp7 retinoblastoma binding protein 7 0.953
Kdm2b lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2B 0.948
Sirt1 sirtuin 1 (silent mating type information regulation 2, homolog) 1 (S. cerevisiae) 0.943
Bcor BCL6 interacting corepressor 0.941
Trrap transformation/transcription domain-associated protein 0.934
Ncor1 nuclear receptor co-repressor 1 0.934
L3mbtl2 l(3)mbt-like 2 (Drosophila) 0.928
Pcgf2 polycomb group ring finger 2 0.925
Rb1 retinoblastoma 1 0.924
Runx1 runt related transcription factor 1 0.924
Mef2d myocyte enhancer factor 2D 0.910
Arid2 AT rich interactive domain 2 (ARID, RFX-like) 0.903
Ncoa6 nuclear receptor coactivator 6 0.873
Hdac2 histone deacetylase 2 0.862
Neurod1 neurogenic differentiation 1 0.852
Cry1 cryptochrome 1 (photolyase-like) 0.843
Dnmt3a DNA methyltransferase 3A 0.828
Mbd3 methyl-CpG binding domain protein 3 0.822
Cdk1 cyclin-dependent kinase 1 0.821
Dmap1 DNA methyltransferase 1-associated protein 1 0.818
Ep400 E1A binding protein p400 0.814
Cdc73 cell division cycle 73, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.812
Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta 0.809
Arid4b AT rich interactive domain 4B (RBP1-like) 0.804
Trp63 transformation related protein 63 0.778
Per2 period homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.778
Tcfcp2l1 transcription factor CP2-like 1 0.763
Smarca5 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 5 0.748
Agap3 ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3 0.742
Nipbl Nipped-B homolog (Drosophila) 0.741
Ylpm1 YLP motif containing 1 0.729
Pcgf6 polycomb group ring finger 6 0.728
Polr2a polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A 0.723
Cbfa2t3 core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2, translocated to, 3 (human) 0.721
Zeb1 zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 0.710
Foxp1 forkhead box P1 0.704
Ikzf1 IKAROS family zinc finger 1 0.701
Tada2a transcriptional adaptor 2A 0.688
Jun Jun oncogene 0.687
Ewsr1 Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 0.678
Igh immunoglobulin heavy chain complex 0.678
Ankrd17 ankyrin repeat domain 17 0.673
Rela v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian) 0.669
Ccna2 cyclin A2 0.661
Trim28 tripartite motif-containing 28 0.645
Zfp292 zinc finger protein 292 0.644
Hsp90ab1 heat shock protein 90 alpha (cytosolic), class B member 1 0.640
Huwe1 HECT, UBA and WWE domain containing 1 0.638
Suds3 suppressor of defective silencing 3 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.635
Bptf bromodomain PHD finger transcription factor 0.633
Atrx alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked homolog (human) 0.622
Yeats2 YEATS domain containing 2 0.616
Rbbp5 retinoblastoma binding protein 5 0.612
Brd4 bromodomain containing 4 0.609
Ilf3 interleukin enhancer binding factor 3 0.600
Gli2 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2 0.594
Csrp2bp cysteine and glycine-rich protein 2 binding protein 0.591
Arntl aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 0.589
Wbp7 WW domain binding protein 7 0.588
Trim24 tripartite motif-containing 24 0.588
Yy1 YY1 transcription factor 0.586
Mecom MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus 0.582
Ehmt1 euchromatic histone methyltransferase 1 0.580
Scaf4 SR-related CTD-associated factor 4 0.569
Asxl1 additional sex combs like 1 (Drosophila) 0.568
Hcfc1 host cell factor C1 0.560
Prpf8 pre-mRNA processing factor 8 0.558
Ash2l ash2 (absent, small, or homeotic)-like (Drosophila) 0.558
Brd1 bromodomain containing 1 0.556
Lhx9 LIM homeobox protein 9 0.547
Cbx7 chromobox homolog 7 0.545
Loading network...
Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Brd4 bromodomain containing 4 0.046
Phf12 PHD finger protein 12 0.034
Map2k7 mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 7 0.029
Dhx30 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 30 0.029
Psmd2 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 2 0.028
Ehmt1 euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1 0.027
Rock2 Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 2 0.024
Wdr26 WD repeat domain 26 0.024
Cdkn3 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3 0.023
Cdc2l6 cell division cycle 2-like 6 (CDK8-like) 0.022
LOC100364212 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K-like 0.022
Top2a topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha 0.022
Tmsb4x thymosin beta 4, X-linked 0.022
Gps1 G protein pathway suppressor 1 0.020
Mcm7 minichromosome maintenance complex component 7 0.019
Ube2i ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I (UBC9 homolog, yeast) 0.019
Falz fetal Alzheimer antigen 0.019
Srrm2 serine/arginine repetitive matrix 2 0.019
Phax phosphorylated adaptor for RNA export 0.018
Luc7l2 LUC7-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) 0.018
Eef2 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 0.017
Tubb5 tubulin, beta 5 0.017
Ubtf upstream binding transcription factor, RNA polymerase I 0.017
Stip1 stress-induced phosphoprotein 1 0.017
Acbd3 acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 3 0.017
Hnrnpu heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U 0.017
Hdac2 histone deacetylase 2 0.016
Smc3 structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 0.016
Polr2a polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A 0.016
Eif1ay eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, Y-linked 0.016
LOC682469 similar to jumonji domain containing 1B 0.016
Gnb2 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2 0.016
Appbp2 amyloid beta precursor protein (cytoplasmic tail) binding protein 2 0.016
Tnrc6a trinucleotide repeat containing 6a 0.016
Tpm3 tropomyosin 3, gamma 0.015
LOC688211 hypothetical protein LOC688211 0.015
Arid4a AT rich interactive domain 4A (Rbp1 like) 0.015
Ash1l ash1 (absent, small, or homeotic)-like (Drosophila) 0.015
H2afx H2A histone family, member X 0.015
Timeless timeless homolog (Drosophila) 0.014
Smarcb1 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily b, member 1 0.014
Akt1 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 0.014
Hnrnpr heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R 0.014
Ppp2r2a protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit B, alpha isoform 0.014
Sart3 squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T-cells 3 0.014
Hsp90ab1 heat shock protein 90 alpha (cytosolic), class B member 1 0.014
Bat1 HLA-B associated transcript 1 0.014
RGD735175 hypothetical protein MGC:72616 0.014
Dctn1 dynactin 1 0.013
Med1 mediator complex subunit 1 0.013
Gtf3c1 general transcription factor IIIC, polypeptide 1, alpha 0.013
Fam193a family with sequence similarity 193, member A 0.013
Chd4 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4 0.013
Trim28 tripartite motif-containing 28 0.013
Parp1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 0.013
Suv420h1 suppressor of variegation 4-20 homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.013
Hspa8 heat shock protein 8 0.013
Garnl1 GTPase activating Rap/RanGAP domain-like 1 0.013
Dcaf15 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 15 0.012
Mll4 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 4 0.012
Acin1 apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1 0.012
Axin1 axin 1 0.012
Vezf1 vascular endothelial zinc finger 1 0.012
Son Son DNA binding protein 0.012
Znf292 zinc finger protein 292 0.012
Ppp2r1a protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit A, alpha isoform 0.012
Pcna proliferating cell nuclear antigen 0.012
Nfat5 nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5 0.012
Ppp1cb protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, beta isoform 0.012
Srrm1 serine/arginine repetitive matrix 1 0.012
Sf3b4 splicing factor 3b, subunit 4 0.012
Hmmr hyaluronan mediated motility receptor (RHAMM) 0.012
Nup205 nucleoporin 205 0.011
Numa1 nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 0.011
Pttg1 pituitary tumor-transforming 1 0.011
Rab28 RAB28, member RAS oncogene family 0.011
Clns1a chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A 0.011
Racgap1 Rac GTPase-activating protein 1 0.011
Srpk1 SFRS protein kinase 1 0.011
Maml1 mastermind like 1 (Drosophila) 0.011
Arid2 AT rich interactive domain 2 (Arid-rfx like) 0.011
LOC690911 similar to Msx2-interacting protein (SPEN homolog) (SMART/HDAC1-associated repressor protein) 0.011
Cnbp CCHC-type zinc finger, nucleic acid binding protein 0.011
Tgs1 trimethylguanosine synthase homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.011
Pik3r2 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 2 (beta) 0.011
Maf1 MAF1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.011
Dazap1 DAZ associated protein 1 0.011
Hprt1 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 0.011
Traf4af1 TRAF4 associated factor 1 0.011
Ube2c ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2C 0.011
Supt6h suppressor of Ty 6 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 0.011
Epc2 enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.011
Ngfr nerve growth factor receptor (TNFR superfamily, member 16) 0.011
Rprd1b regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B 0.011
Lrrc47 leucine rich repeat containing 47 0.010
Gigyf1 GRB10 interacting GYF protein 1 0.010
Safb scaffold attachment factor B 0.010
Raly RNA binding protein, autoantigenic (hnRNP-associated with lethal yellow homolog (mouse)) 0.010
Cetn3 centrin, EF-hand protein, 3 (CDC31 homolog, yeast) 0.010
Klf2 Kruppel-like factor 2 (lung) 0.010