The network for 'cell wall assembly' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

cell wall assembly

The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a cell wall. A cell wall is a rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the cell membrane of plant, fungal, and most prokaryotic cells.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
SPS22 Sps22p 0.990
ADY3 Ady3p 0.969
SPO21 Spo21p 0.961
FKS3 Fks3p 0.917
DTR1 Dtr1p 0.861
OSW2 Osw2p 0.829
DIT1 Dit1p 0.829
DIT2 Dit2p 0.826
GIP1 Gip1p 0.801
CRR1 Crr1p 0.775
OSW1 Osw1p 0.737
MPC54 Mpc54p 0.648
SSP1 Ssp1p 0.612
SPS1 Sps1p 0.508
SMK1 Smk1p 0.505
GSC2 Gsc2p 0.501
YSW1 Ysw1p 0.453
DON1 Don1p 0.431
AMA1 Ama1p 0.393
RRT12 Rrt12p 0.360
YHR140W hypothetical protein 0.318
IRC18 Irc18p 0.302
SPO13 Spo13p 0.265
SPO74 Spo74p 0.246
SPO19 Spo19p 0.232
YRO2 Yro2p 0.225
SPR3 Spr3p 0.222
GPI1 Gpi1p 0.221
SMA2 Sma2p 0.208
GAS4 Gas4p 0.208
GCN2 Gcn2p 0.182
SPR28 Spr28p 0.182
CAK1 Cak1p 0.167
SPO77 Spo77p 0.162
LOH1 Loh1p 0.161
HIM1 Him1p 0.157
CDA2 Cda2p 0.152
PCK1 Pck1p 0.139
GAS2 Gas2p 0.139
SRL4 Srl4p 0.126
SPS2 Sps2p 0.125
ECM8 Ecm8p 0.120
YKR104W hypothetical protein 0.119
ENT1 Ent1p 0.116
YOR365C hypothetical protein 0.112
SPT14 Spt14p 0.106
YER121W hypothetical protein 0.103
SPO71 Spo71p 0.099
CDC26 Cdc26p 0.099
BMH2 Bmh2p 0.090
GPI2 Gpi2p 0.089
YAL018C hypothetical protein 0.088
YMR118C hypothetical protein 0.087
PDR12 Pdr12p 0.086
YDR319C hypothetical protein 0.085
YOR186W hypothetical protein 0.084
RNP1 Rnp1p 0.082
SAP155 Sap155p 0.082
MCH2 Mch2p 0.081
SED1 Sed1p 0.080
YFR012W hypothetical protein 0.080
YOL024W hypothetical protein 0.080
ARP10 Arp10p 0.079
YPR078C hypothetical protein 0.076
HXT10 Hxt10p 0.076
YGR201C hypothetical protein 0.075
AVT2 Avt2p 0.074
GFA1 Gfa1p 0.071
SOG2 Sog2p 0.071
YGL230C hypothetical protein 0.069
PRK1 Prk1p 0.067
MUM3 Mum3p 0.067
YDR042C hypothetical protein 0.067
YKL071W hypothetical protein 0.066
YDR034W-B hypothetical protein 0.065
NAS2 Nas2p 0.064
UBC11 Ubc11p 0.063
SRT1 Srt1p 0.061
SPO23 Spo23p 0.061
ISC10 Isc10p 0.060
CDA1 Cda1p 0.060
ZPS1 Zps1p 0.059
YCR050C hypothetical protein 0.059
YGL015C hypothetical protein 0.059
YLR072W hypothetical protein 0.059
YER186C hypothetical protein 0.058
YMR244W hypothetical protein 0.057
SPO75 Spo75p 0.057
SSP2 Ssp2p 0.056
YOL047C hypothetical protein 0.055
CTR3 Ctr3p 0.055
YHR035W hypothetical protein 0.053
SWF1 Swf1p 0.053
YLR283W hypothetical protein 0.053
SET4 Set4p 0.052
BCK2 Bck2p 0.052
YGR053C hypothetical protein 0.051
SRD1 Srd1p 0.051
RTG2 Rtg2p 0.051
YGR273C hypothetical protein 0.050
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism