The network for 'regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway

Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of glutamate receptor signaling pathway.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
nwk nervous wreck 0.677
wit wishful thinking 0.348
neuroligin CG13772 gene product from transcript CG13772-RA 0.276
lap like-AP180 0.190
Ank2 Ankyrin 2 0.139
GluRIIA Glutamate receptor IIA 0.097
CG32635 CG32635 gene product from transcript CG32635-RA 0.075
stj straightjacket 0.069
brp bruchpilot 0.067
Nrx-1 Neurexin 1 0.055
trol terribly reduced optic lobes 0.050
Frq1 Frequenin 1 0.045
CG31146 CG31146 gene product from transcript CG31146-RD 0.041
Aplip1 APP-like protein interacting protein 1 0.037
rut rutabaga 0.035
baz bazooka 0.035
Dsk Drosulfakinin 0.034
dnc dunce 0.031
sif still life 0.028
wun wunen 0.026
CaMKII Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II 0.025
raw CG12437 gene product from transcript CG12437-RB 0.025
PP2A-B' CG7913 gene product from transcript CG7913-RK 0.025
Nf1 Neurofibromin 1 0.023
CG12187 CG12187 gene product from transcript CG12187-RA 0.023
hiw highwire 0.020
Vmat Vesicular monoamine transporter 0.019
Alk CG8250 gene product from transcript CG8250-RA 0.018
cac cacophony 0.017
CCKLR-17D1 CCK-like receptor at 17D1 0.017
dlp dally-like 0.017
Fas2 Fasciclin 2 0.017
unc-104 CG8566 gene product from transcript CG8566-RB 0.016
daw dawdle 0.015
mGluRA metabotropic glutamate receptor 0.015
ST6Gal Sialyltransferase 0.015
Syn1 Syntrophin-like 1 0.015
Gad1 Glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 0.014
wnd wallenda 0.013
fend forked end 0.013
NetB Netrin-B 0.013
Fer2 48 related 2 0.012
l(2)k16918 lethal (2) k16918 0.012
GluRIIB Glutamate receptor IIB 0.011
Tbh Tyramine beta hydroxylase 0.011
CrebB-17A Cyclic-AMP response element binding protein B at 17A 0.011
Rim CG33547 gene product from transcript CG33547-RB 0.011
Syx1A Syntaxin 1A 0.011
GluRIIC Glutamate receptor IIC 0.010
Cip4 CG15015 gene product from transcript CG15015-RA 0.010
Appl beta amyloid protein precursor-like 0.010
Acsl Acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain 0.010
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
nlgn2a neuroligin 2a 0.638
uts1 urotensin 1 0.509
nlgn4b neuroligin 4b 0.503
mef2ca myocyte enhancer factor 2ca 0.501
chrna1 cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 1 0.420
mef2cb myocyte enhancer factor 2cb 0.285
nlgn2b neuroligin 2b 0.246
ndrg4 N-myc downstream regulated gene 4 0.209
oprd1b opioid receptor, delta 1b 0.153
ttna titin a 0.142
nr4a2b nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2b 0.136
dab1a disabled homolog 1a (Drosophila) 0.118
nlgn3a neuroligin 3a 0.118
tbx5a T-box 5a 0.102
smyd1b SET and MYND domain containing 1b 0.068
dlg2 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog 2 0.056
oprd1a opioid receptor, delta 1a 0.051
barhl1.2 BarH-like 1.2 0.050
htr1aa 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A a 0.039
dcc deleted in colorectal carcinoma 0.039
hsp90a.1 heat shock protein 90-alpha 1 0.038
mbnl2 muscleblind-like 2 (Drosophila) 0.029
si:dkey-228g21.4 si:dkey-228g21.4 0.029
hspb12 heat shock protein, alpha-crystallin-related, b12 0.028
unc45b unc-45 homolog B (C. elegans) 0.026
meis2.2 myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 2.2 0.025
ucn3l urocortin 3, like 0.024
nlgn1 neuroligin 1 0.024
pcp4a Purkinje cell protein 4a 0.024
LOC100006361 galanin-like 0.022
prom1a prominin 1a 0.022
xirp1 xin actin-binding repeat containing 1 0.022
s1pr2 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 2 0.021
gap43 growth associated protein 43 0.021
nlgn3b neuroligin 3b 0.020
pvrl1b poliovirus receptor-related 1b 0.019
crh corticotropin releasing hormone 0.019
prox1 prospero-related homeobox gene 1 0.019
hbae1 hemoglobin alpha embryonic-1 0.018
slc17a7 solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7 0.018
cyp26c1 cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily C, polypeptide 1 0.018
foxp2 forkhead box P2 0.017
th tyrosine hydroxylase 0.017
rerea arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide (RE) repeats a 0.017
vangl2 vang-like 2 (van gogh, Drosophila) 0.017
ryr2a ryanodine receptor 2a (cardiac) 0.016
cyp19a1b cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily A, polypeptide 1b 0.014
mef2a myocyte enhancer factor 2a 0.014
pink1 PTEN induced putative kinase 1 0.014
ghsra growth hormone secretagogue receptor a 0.014
slc6a6 solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, taurine), member 6 0.013
cadm2a cell adhesion molecule 2a 0.013
atp2a2a ATPase, Ca++ transporting, cardiac muscle, slow twitch 2a 0.013
myh6 myosin, heavy polypeptide 6, cardiac muscle, alpha 0.013
tbx5b T-box 5b 0.013
tac1 tachykinin 1 0.013
disc1 disrupted in schizophrenia 1 0.012
cnr1 cannabinoid receptor 1 0.012
mib mind bomb 0.012
tnnc1a troponin C type 1a (slow) 0.012
aldocb aldolase C, fructose-bisphosphate, b 0.011
slc1a2b solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 2b 0.011
tnni1b troponin I, skeletal, slow b 0.011
hcrtr2 hypocretin (orexin) receptor 2 0.011
rbm24a RNA binding motif protein 24a 0.011
rad21 RAD21 homolog (S. pombe) 0.010
sulf2l sulfatase 2, like 0.010
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
GRIN2A glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2A 0.223
KCNA4 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 4 0.092
DLGAP1 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 1 0.081
HNF4A hepatocyte nuclear factor 4, alpha 0.055
GRIN2B glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2B 0.044
ESRRG estrogen-related receptor gamma 0.036
GRIN2C glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2C 0.034
PPARG peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 0.033
SRC v-src sarcoma (Schmidt-Ruppin A-2) viral oncogene homolog (avian) 0.032
CRHR1 corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 0.027
ERBB4 v-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 4 (avian) 0.019
SPRR2A small proline-rich protein 2A 0.017
MASP1 mannan-binding lectin serine peptidase 1 (C4/C2 activating component of Ra-reactive factor) 0.016
HDAC4 histone deacetylase 4 0.014
GRIN1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 1 0.013
RAI1 retinoic acid induced 1 0.012
KIFC2 kinesin family member C2 0.012
CRMP1 collapsin response mediator protein 1 0.011
CAMK2A calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha 0.010
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Grin1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA1 (zeta 1) 1.000
Dlg4 discs, large homolog 4 (Drosophila) 1.000
Nrxn1 neurexin I 0.998
Grin2b glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2B (epsilon 2) 0.996
Gria2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA2 (alpha 2) 0.987
Ntrk2 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 2 0.975
Dlgap1 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 1 0.915
Nrxn3 neurexin III 0.909
Grb2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2 0.894
Dab1 disabled homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.867
Grin2a glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2A (epsilon 1) 0.807
Dlg2 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.765
Gria1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA1 (alpha 1) 0.755
Nrxn2 neurexin II 0.730
Emx1 empty spiracles homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.712
Lrp1 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 0.707
Arc activity regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein 0.600
Camk2a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha 0.579
Hdac4 histone deacetylase 4 0.561
Grid2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 0.561
Dnm1 dynamin 1 0.522
Drd2 dopamine receptor D2 0.492
Ptpn5 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5 0.439
Cit citron 0.406
Cacng4 calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 4 0.403
Asap1 ArfGAP with SH# domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain1 0.402
Grm1 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 1 0.379
B3gat1 beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 1 (glucuronosyltransferase P) 0.350
Sobp sine oculis-binding protein homolog (Drosophila) 0.336
Lrp1b low density lipoprotein-related protein 1B (deleted in tumors) 0.317
Cdh8 cadherin 8 0.311
Lrp8 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor 0.273
Cnr1 cannabinoid receptor 1 (brain) 0.258
Sorcs3 sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 3 0.246
Mef2d myocyte enhancer factor 2D 0.242
Camk2b calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, beta 0.230
Grik5 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 5 (gamma 2) 0.206
Mark4 MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 4 0.200
Ppargc1b peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma, coactivator 1 beta 0.199
Pcdh10 protocadherin 10 0.195
Ppp3ca protein phosphatase 3, catalytic subunit, alpha isoform 0.180
Ptprt protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, T 0.178
Lrfn1 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1 0.173
Anks1b ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1B 0.164
Lrrc58 leucine rich repeat containing 58 0.162
Dscaml1 Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule-like 1 0.160
Rora RAR-related orphan receptor alpha 0.149
Nrip3 nuclear receptor interacting protein 3 0.147
Rgs9 regulator of G-protein signaling 9 0.138
Necab2 N-terminal EF-hand calcium binding protein 2 0.135
Cadm3 cell adhesion molecule 3 0.135
Mef2c myocyte enhancer factor 2C 0.134
Hdac5 histone deacetylase 5 0.133
App amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein 0.133
Arpp21 cyclic AMP-regulated phosphoprotein, 21 0.129
Ptpn11 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 11 0.127
Syngr3 synaptogyrin 3 0.126
Cbln1 cerebellin 1 precursor protein 0.124
Sema4g sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4G 0.123
Shank2 SH3/ankyrin domain gene 2 0.120
Rbfox3 RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 3 0.118
Gpr123 G protein-coupled receptor 123 0.118
Cacng3 calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 3 0.118
Kif1a kinesin family member 1A 0.115
Ncor2 nuclear receptor co-repressor 2 0.112
Nlgn3 neuroligin 3 0.111
Nr3c1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 0.111
Cyp46a1 cytochrome P450, family 46, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 0.103
Fam19a5 family with sequence similarity 19, member A5 0.101
Npcd neuronal pentraxin chromo domain 0.101
Mpp2 membrane protein, palmitoylated 2 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 2) 0.100
Cdk5r1 cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 1 (p35) 0.100
Pex5l peroxisomal biogenesis factor 5-like 0.099
Gnao1 guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha O 0.094
Kcnt1 potassium channel, subfamily T, member 1 0.094
Chrna4 cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 4 0.089
Atcay ataxia, cerebellar, Cayman type homolog (human) 0.089
Syt1 synaptotagmin I 0.084
Slc8a2 solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger), member 2 0.083
Grik2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 (beta 2) 0.081
Cnnm1 cyclin M1 0.080
Gprin1 G protein-regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 1 0.077
Nos1 nitric oxide synthase 1, neuronal 0.075
Kcnh3 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 3 0.075
Kalrn kalirin, RhoGEF kinase 0.072
Shc3 src homology 2 domain-containing transforming protein C3 0.072
Lrrtm1 leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 1 0.072
Slc6a17 solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 17 0.072
Mapk8ip3 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 3 0.071
Ntrk3 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3 0.071
Abi1 abl-interactor 1 0.068
Sh3kbp1 SH3-domain kinase binding protein 1 0.067
Lrfn2 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 2 0.067
Qk quaking 0.065
Prkce protein kinase C, epsilon 0.064
Kcnab2 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 2 0.061
Sorcs1 VPS10 domain receptor protein SORCS 1 0.061
Nphp4 nephronophthisis 4 (juvenile) homolog (human) 0.060
Srrm3 serine/arginine repetitive matrix 3 0.060
Crkl v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog (avian)-like 0.060
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Dlgap1 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 1 0.653
Dlg4 discs, large homolog 4 (Drosophila) 0.538
Shank1 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1 0.419
Dlgap3 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 3 0.288
Gria1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 1 0.280
RGD1310262 hypothetical LOC304650 0.094
Hrh3 histamine receptor H3 0.087
Grin2b glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2B 0.084
Sdk2 sidekick homolog 2 (chicken) 0.079
Kcnj4 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 4 0.071
Nrxn2 neurexin 2 0.068
Nlgn1 neuroligin 1 0.064
Syngap1 synaptic Ras GTPase activating protein 1 homolog (rat) 0.062
Prph2 peripherin 2 0.054
Camk2a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha 0.053
Lrfn2 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 2 0.049
Nr2c2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group C, member 2 0.049
Kcnj15 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 15 0.048
Unc5a unc-5 homolog A (C. elegans) 0.046
Grin1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 1 0.045
Slc17a7 solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7 0.045
Pip5k1c phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, gamma 0.045
Dlg3 discs, large homolog 3 (Drosophila) 0.042
Sorcs3 sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 3 0.042
Htr2c 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C 0.039
Bcan brevican 0.038
RGD1564664 similar to LOC387763 protein 0.034
Grid2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 0.031
Shank2 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 0.031
Necab2 N-terminal EF-hand calcium binding protein 2 0.031
Cort cortistatin 0.031
Magi2 membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 2 0.030
Gad1 glutamate decarboxylase 1 0.030
Htr1a 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A 0.030
Baiap2 BAI1-associated protein 2 0.029
Shank3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3 0.028
Celsr2 cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (flamingo homolog, Drosophila) 0.028
Cpne9 copine family member IX 0.028
Grin2a glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2A 0.028
Slc1a1 solute carrier family 1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system Xag), member 1 0.026
Agap2 ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2 0.026
Dgkz diacylglycerol kinase zeta 0.025
Nlgn2 neuroligin 2 0.025
Sidt1 SID1 transmembrane family, member 1 0.024
Ddn dendrin 0.023
Fgf5 fibroblast growth factor 5 0.023
Arhgef7 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF7) 0.023
Rem2 RAS (RAD and GEM) like GTP binding 2 0.022
Cnnm1 cyclin M1 0.022
Serp2 stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein family member 2 0.021
Bai1 brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1 0.020
Spata2L spermatogenesis associated 2-like 0.020
Clstn3 calsyntenin 3 0.020
Gnat1 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha transducing 1 0.019
Kcnab1 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1 0.019
Grin2d glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2D 0.019
Grm8 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 8 0.019
Grip1 glutamate receptor interacting protein 1 0.018
Arc activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein 0.018
Il24 interleukin 24 0.018
Gnaz guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha z polypeptide 0.018
Cacna1a calcium channel, voltage-dependent, P/Q type, alpha 1A subunit 0.018
Apba2 amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 0.018
RGD1308544 LOC361192 0.017
LOC690418 similar to Acidic proline-rich protein PRP25 precursor 0.017
Calcr calcitonin receptor 0.017
Zmiz2 zinc finger, MIZ-type containing 2 0.017
Radil Ras association and DIL domains 0.017
Pclo piccolo (presynaptic cytomatrix protein) 0.017
Spt1 salivary protein 1 0.016
Ctxn1 cortexin 1 0.016
Kalrn kalirin, RhoGEF kinase 0.016
Drd4 dopamine receptor D4 0.016
Nmur2 neuromedin U receptor 2 0.016
Htr1b 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1B 0.015
Fev FEV (ETS oncogene family) 0.015
Acr acrosin 0.015
Gucy1a2 guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, alpha 2 0.015
Cacna1i calcium channel, voltage-dependent, T type, alpha 1I subunit 0.015
Kcnh6 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 6 0.015
Gad2 glutamate decarboxylase 2 0.015
Kctd13 potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 13 0.015
Freq frequenin homolog (Drosophila) 0.015
Gabrr3 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, rho 3 0.014
Tbr1 T-box, brain, 1 0.014
Myo16 myosin XVI 0.014
RGD1309762 similar to KIAA0614 protein 0.014
Gpr6 G protein-coupled receptor 6 0.014
Cask calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (MAGUK family) 0.014
Htr4 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 4 0.014
Rup2 urinary protein 2 0.014
Grid1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 1 0.014
Accn2 amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal 0.014
Tbx2 T-box 2 0.014
Epha7 Eph receptor A7 0.013
Prokr1 prokineticin receptor 1 0.013
Cckbr cholecystokinin B receptor 0.013
Npffr2 neuropeptide FF receptor 2 0.013
Atxn1 ataxin 1 0.013
Adam3a ADAM metallopeptidase domain 3A (cyritestin 1) 0.013
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism