The network for 'endonucleolytic cleavage in its1 to separate ssu rrna from 5 8s rrna and lsu rrna from tricistronic rrna transcript ssu rrna 5 8s rrna lsu rrna ' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

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endonucleolytic cleavage in its1 to separate ssu rrna from 5 8s rrna and lsu rrna from tricistronic rrna transcript ssu rrna 5 8s rrna lsu rrna

Endonucleolytic cleavage between the SSU-rRNA and the 5.8S rRNA of an rRNA molecule originally produced as a tricistronic rRNA transcript that contained the Small SubUnit (SSU) rRNA, the 5.8S rRNA, and the Large SubUnit (LSU) rRNA, in that order, from 5' to 3' along the primary transcript.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
FAF1 Faf1p 0.999
MPP10 Mpp10p 0.999
NOP14 Nop14p 0.998
ENP1 Enp1p 0.997
BFR2 Bfr2p 0.997
KRR1 Krr1p 0.996
BUD21 Bud21p 0.994
RRP9 Rrp9p 0.991
BMS1 Bms1p 0.991
UTP18 Utp18p 0.991
UTP7 Utp7p 0.990
NOP1 Nop1p 0.981
UTP11 Utp11p 0.980
IMP3 Imp3p 0.977
ENP2 Enp2p 0.977
UTP8 Utp8p 0.977
UTP4 Utp4p 0.977
MRD1 Mrd1p 0.976
DIP2 Dip2p 0.975
UTP9 Utp9p 0.950
PWP2 Pwp2p 0.948
ESF2 Esf2p 0.947
ECM16 Ecm16p 0.944
NAN1 Nan1p 0.941
SOF1 Sof1p 0.932
UTP10 Utp10p 0.917
UTP6 Utp6p 0.902
EMG1 Emg1p 0.884
NOC4 Noc4p 0.880
LRP1 Lrp1p 0.876
UTP20 Utp20p 0.865
SLX9 Slx9p 0.856
UTP13 Utp13p 0.854
KRE33 Kre33p 0.797
UTP22 Utp22p 0.794
NOP56 Nop56p 0.791
ESF1 Esf1p 0.778
PNO1 Pno1p 0.754
RRP36 Rrp36p 0.744
UTP30 Utp30p 0.721
UTP25 Utp25p 0.706
UTP21 Utp21p 0.704
IMP4 Imp4p 0.701
SAS10 Sas10p 0.641
RRP7 Rrp7p 0.555
NOB1 Nob1p 0.539
NOP58 Nop58p 0.537
RRP14 Rrp14p 0.531
PXR1 Pxr1p 0.530
NOP6 Nop6p 0.525
UTP15 Utp15p 0.519
LCP5 Lcp5p 0.518
RIO2 Rio2p 0.454
RIO1 Rio1p 0.431
UBP10 Ubp10p 0.423
UTP14 Utp14p 0.413
RPS17A Rps17ap 0.404
CMS1 Cms1p 0.397
EFG1 Efg1p 0.383
DIM1 Dim1p 0.363
BCD1 Bcd1p 0.337
RRP12 Rrp12p 0.316
RRP15 Rrp15p 0.303
BUD22 Bud22p 0.286
FYV7 Fyv7p 0.280
TRM112 Trm112p 0.267
NOP8 Nop8p 0.255
FCF2 Fcf2p 0.244
HCA4 Hca4p 0.232
EBP2 Ebp2p 0.219
FCF1 Fcf1p 0.214
ROK1 Rok1p 0.211
RCL1 Rcl1p 0.209
TSR1 Tsr1p 0.185
TSR3 Tsr3p 0.185
RPC31 Rpc31p 0.183
TMA23 Tma23p 0.178
RET1 Ret1p 0.172
RPS4A Rps4ap 0.169
UTP23 Utp23p 0.167
DHR2 Dhr2p 0.162
RPA43 Rpa43p 0.152
DBP8 Dbp8p 0.151
SGD1 Sgd1p 0.140
RRP5 Rrp5p 0.123
RPC10 Rpc10p 0.121
BCP1 Bcp1p 0.115
RRP3 Rrp3p 0.112
SUI1 Sui1p 0.111
LTV1 Ltv1p 0.109
RPS13 Rps13p 0.104
RPS7A Rps7ap 0.101
NOP16 Nop16p 0.098
SRP21 Srp21p 0.097
RRP17 Rrp17p 0.093
UTP5 Utp5p 0.089
SQT1 Sqt1p 0.088
PRP28 Prp28p 0.086
MPP6 Mpp6p 0.083
RPL22A Rpl22ap 0.079
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism