The network for 'regulation of cd8 positive alpha beta t cell activation' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

regulation of cd8 positive alpha beta t cell activation

Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
LILRA6 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 6 1.000
CCR5 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 1.000
LILRB1 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 1 0.998
CCL4 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 0.993
CXCL10 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 0.978
CXCL9 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 0.958
LILRA1 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 1 0.854
CCR1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 0.848
HK3 hexokinase 3 (white cell) 0.815
SIGLEC7 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 7 0.801
CCL13 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 13 0.740
IL1B interleukin 1, beta 0.731
LILRB3 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 3 0.726
CCL5 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 0.699
CCL8 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 8 0.670
IDE insulin-degrading enzyme 0.669
GZMB granzyme B (granzyme 2, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 1) 0.641
CCL18 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (pulmonary and activation-regulated) 0.617
CCR7 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7 0.607
CCL7 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 7 0.586
DPP4 dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 0.522
PILRA paired immunoglobin-like type 2 receptor alpha 0.502
IFNG interferon, gamma 0.471
CCL2 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 0.459
LILRB2 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B (with TM and ITIM domains), member 2 0.450
PTAFR platelet-activating factor receptor 0.399
SIGLEC1 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 1, sialoadhesin 0.375
CCL11 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 11 0.337
CXCL13 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 0.324
NKG7 natural killer cell group 7 sequence 0.309
TNF tumor necrosis factor 0.308
FPR3 formyl peptide receptor 3 0.303
CCL22 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 22 0.296
CCR4 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 4 0.283
TREM1 triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 0.276
LILRA2 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 2 0.268
IL8 interleukin 8 0.267
IL2RB interleukin 2 receptor, beta 0.247
RGS1 regulator of G-protein signaling 1 0.217
NLRP3 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3 0.212
IL1RN interleukin 1 receptor antagonist 0.211
CXCL11 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 11 0.196
CXCL3 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3 0.186
MMP9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 (gelatinase B, 92kDa gelatinase, 92kDa type IV collagenase) 0.178
CCL3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 0.177
SIGLEC9 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 9 0.171
TYMP thymidine phosphorylase 0.166
SLAMF8 SLAM family member 8 0.161
IL10 interleukin 10 0.158
CD86 CD86 molecule 0.155
IL6 interleukin 6 (interferon, beta 2) 0.143
SLAMF7 SLAM family member 7 0.139
KLRD1 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily D, member 1 0.136
CSK c-src tyrosine kinase 0.127
CCL19 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 19 0.127
CMKLR1 chemokine-like receptor 1 0.125
AQP9 aquaporin 9 0.124
TNFRSF9 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 0.119
CD83 CD83 molecule 0.118
IL18RAP interleukin 18 receptor accessory protein 0.118
CCL3L3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 3 0.115
EBI3 Epstein-Barr virus induced 3 0.112
CH25H cholesterol 25-hydroxylase 0.107
AOAH acyloxyacyl hydrolase (neutrophil) 0.105
AKT2 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2 0.105
VSIG4 V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 4 0.103
LILRA3 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (without TM domain), member 3 0.099
CCR3 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 3 0.098
FCN1 ficolin (collagen/fibrinogen domain containing) 1 0.095
SELE selectin E 0.093
MMP12 matrix metallopeptidase 12 (macrophage elastase) 0.093
CD163 CD163 molecule 0.092
IL7R interleukin 7 receptor 0.092
MARCO macrophage receptor with collagenous structure 0.084
SIRPB1 signal-regulatory protein beta 1 0.083
CCL21 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 21 0.081
CXCL5 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 5 0.079
CXCR6 chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 6 0.078
CD80 CD80 molecule 0.076
EMR1 egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 1 0.076
ADAMDEC1 ADAM-like, decysin 1 0.075
IL1R2 interleukin 1 receptor, type II 0.070
REL v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) 0.068
PRDM1 PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain 0.066
LTA lymphotoxin alpha (TNF superfamily, member 1) 0.066
VCAM1 vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 0.062
IL2RG interleukin 2 receptor, gamma 0.059
C2 complement component 2 0.058
CD33 CD33 molecule 0.057
IL10RA interleukin 10 receptor, alpha 0.057
MSC musculin 0.057
PLA2G7 phospholipase A2, group VII (platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, plasma) 0.056
BATF basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 0.055
IL12B interleukin 12B (natural killer cell stimulatory factor 2, cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor 2, p40) 0.055
CXCL2 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 0.054
LAMP3 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3 0.054
GNLY granulysin 0.053
CLEC10A C-type lectin domain family 10, member A 0.052
PIK3R5 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 5 0.051
LILRA5 leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 5 0.051
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Caenorhabditis elegans
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Danio rerio
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Drosophila melanogaster
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Mus musculus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Stat2 signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 0.515
Psmb9 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 9 (large multifunctional peptidase 2) 0.408
Uba7 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 7 0.407
Bcl3 B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 3 0.326
Nfkb2 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 2, p49/p100 0.293
Plcg2 phospholipase C, gamma 2 0.251
Psmb8 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 8 (large multifunctional peptidase 7) 0.233
Irgm2 immunity-related GTPase family M member 2 0.214
Ifit3 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 0.192
Sfpi1 SFFV proviral integration 1 0.191
Ifnar2 interferon (alpha and beta) receptor 2 0.169
Stat5b signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B 0.138
Usp18 ubiquitin specific peptidase 18 0.137
Stat5a signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A 0.134
Sfn stratifin 0.121
Tapbp TAP binding protein 0.113
Ttc7 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7 0.099
Stat1 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 0.098
Tap1 transporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP) 0.084
Tnfaip3 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 3 0.084
Ikzf1 IKAROS family zinc finger 1 0.074
Irf5 interferon regulatory factor 5 0.070
Cybb cytochrome b-245, beta polypeptide 0.070
Fmnl1 formin-like 1 0.063
Parp14 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 14 0.060
Tap2 transporter 2, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP) 0.059
Prkcd protein kinase C, delta 0.057
Igtp interferon gamma induced GTPase 0.057
Jak3 Janus kinase 3 0.056
Irgm1 immunity-related GTPase family M member 1 0.054
Isg15 ISG15 ubiquitin-like modifier 0.053
Relb avian reticuloendotheliosis viral (v-rel) oncogene related B 0.052
Irf7 interferon regulatory factor 7 0.051
Trim21 tripartite motif-containing 21 0.051
Sp100 nuclear antigen Sp100 0.051
Lyz2 lysozyme 2 0.049
Rsad2 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 2 0.047
Sykb spleen tyrosine kinase 0.046
Ifit1 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 0.046
Tor3a torsin family 3, member A 0.044
Cd19 CD19 antigen 0.043
Dock2 dedicator of cyto-kinesis 2 0.043
Cd79b CD79B antigen 0.042
Parp10 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 10 0.042
Unc93b1 unc-93 homolog B1 (C. elegans) 0.039
Zbtb7b zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7B 0.039
Ptpn6 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6 0.038
Adar adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific 0.038
Il10ra interleukin 10 receptor, alpha 0.035
Arid3a AT rich interactive domain 3A (BRIGHT-like) 0.035
Batf basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 0.035
Tcirg1 T-cell, immune regulator 1, ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 protein A3 0.034
Hcls1 hematopoietic cell specific Lyn substrate 1 0.034
Tnfrsf13b tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 13b 0.033
Nfkb1 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1, p105 0.032
Stat3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 0.032
Znfx1 zinc finger, NFX1-type containing 1 0.031
Mx2 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 2 0.031
1810019J16Rik RIKEN cDNA 1810019J16 gene 0.030
Zfp36 zinc finger protein 36 0.030
H2-K1 histocompatibility 2, K1, K region 0.029
Irf4 interferon regulatory factor 4 0.029
Pfn2 profilin 2 0.029
Ddx58 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 58 0.029
Irf9 interferon regulatory factor 9 0.028
Fosl2 fos-like antigen 2 0.027
Zbtb7a zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7a 0.027
Inpp5d inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase D 0.025
Cd40 CD40 antigen 0.025
Il27ra interleukin 27 receptor, alpha 0.025
Cd72 CD72 antigen 0.025
Lyn Yamaguchi sarcoma viral (v-yes-1) oncogene homolog 0.025
Il17ra interleukin 17 receptor A 0.025
Socs1 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 0.025
Il4ra interleukin 4 receptor, alpha 0.024
Traf6 TNF receptor-associated factor 6 0.024
Cd37 CD37 antigen 0.024
Rela v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian) 0.024
Batf3 basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 3 0.024
Llgl2 lethal giant larvae homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.022
Nfkbia nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha 0.022
Pkp3 plakophilin 3 0.021
Rhog ras homolog gene family, member G 0.021
Oasl1 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase-like 1 0.021
Junb Jun-B oncogene 0.021
Pou2f2 POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2 0.021
H2-D1 histocompatibility 2, D region locus 1 0.021
Oasl2 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase-like 2 0.021
Cd79a CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha) 0.020
Bcl2l11 BCL2-like 11 (apoptosis facilitator) 0.020
Fbrs fibrosin 0.020
Bak1 BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 0.020
Mvp major vault protein 0.020
Rnf31 ring finger protein 31 0.020
Map3k11 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11 0.020
Blnk B-cell linker 0.020
Mx1 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1 0.020
Tmem106a transmembrane protein 106A 0.019
Rtp4 receptor transporter protein 4 0.019
Sh2b3 SH2B adaptor protein 3 0.019
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Rattus norvegicus
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism