The network for 'appendage morphogenesis' in your query organism is displayed on the left, if relationships are supported by the integrated data. Moving any of the genes in that network will simultaneously update the homologs in the networks displayed to the right (if they exist). Additionally, hovering over any nodes will highlight the identified functionally similar homologs in the other networks. Last, the bar above the networks allows you to remove/add additional organisms. Simily drag and drop the organism names in the desired order.

Multiple Organisms

appendage morphogenesis

The process in which the anatomical structures of appendages are generated and organized. An appendage is an organ or part that is attached to the trunk of an organism, such as a limb or a branch.

Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Gli3 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3 1.000
Shh sonic hedgehog 1.000
Fgfr2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 1.000
Pitx2 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 1.000
Pax6 paired box gene 6 1.000
Foxc1 forkhead box C1 1.000
Fgfr1 fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 1.000
Pax3 paired box gene 3 1.000
Otx2 orthodenticle homolog 2 (Drosophila) 1.000
Pax2 paired box gene 2 1.000
Bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 1.000
Fgf8 fibroblast growth factor 8 1.000
Msx1 homeobox, msh-like 1 1.000
Hand1 heart and neural crest derivatives expressed transcript 1 1.000
Bmp7 bone morphogenetic protein 7 1.000
Six1 sine oculis-related homeobox 1 homolog (Drosophila) 1.000
Tbx1 T-box 1 1.000
Eya1 eyes absent 1 homolog (Drosophila) 1.000
Foxc2 forkhead box C2 1.000
Rarg retinoic acid receptor, gamma 1.000
Hand2 heart and neural crest derivatives expressed transcript 2 1.000
Prrx2 paired related homeobox 2 1.000
Tbx3 T-box 3 1.000
Prrx1 paired related homeobox 1 1.000
Tcfap2a transcription factor AP-2, alpha 0.999
Dlx5 distal-less homeobox 5 0.999
Gli2 GLI-Kruppel family member GLI2 0.999
Tgfb2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 0.999
Hoxd13 homeobox D13 0.999
Sox2 SRY-box containing gene 2 0.999
Pbx1 pre B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1 0.999
Gbx2 gastrulation brain homeobox 2 0.999
Pten phosphatase and tensin homolog 0.999
Ror2 receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 0.998
Hoxa11 homeobox A11 0.998
Rara retinoic acid receptor, alpha 0.998
Pitx1 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1 0.998
Mycn v-myc myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene, neuroblastoma derived (avian) 0.998
Alx4 aristaless-like homeobox 4 0.998
Msx2 homeobox, msh-like 2 0.998
Fgf10 fibroblast growth factor 10 0.997
Hoxa10 homeobox A10 0.996
Pdgfra platelet derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide 0.995
Pcsk5 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 0.995
Smo smoothened homolog (Drosophila) 0.995
Aldh1a2 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A2 0.995
Lhx1 LIM homeobox protein 1 0.995
Hoxd11 homeobox D11 0.994
Sox9 SRY-box containing gene 9 0.994
Wnt3a wingless-related MMTV integration site 3A 0.994
Trp53 transformation related protein 53 0.994
Chrd chordin 0.993
Fgfr3 fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 0.993
Tgfbr2 transforming growth factor, beta receptor II 0.992
Zeb1 zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 0.991
Lmx1b LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta 0.991
Gsc goosecoid homeobox 0.991
Lef1 lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 0.989
Hoxa13 homeobox A13 0.989
Vangl2 vang-like 2 (van gogh, Drosophila) 0.988
Col2a1 collagen, type II, alpha 1 0.987
Hoxa1 homeobox A1 0.987
Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A 0.986
Meox2 mesenchyme homeobox 2 0.986
En1 engrailed 1 0.985
Emx2 empty spiracles homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.983
Pkd1 polycystic kidney disease 1 homolog 0.983
Otx1 orthodenticle homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.981
Sfrp2 secreted frizzled-related protein 2 0.981
Runx2 runt related transcription factor 2 0.980
Sall4 sal-like 4 (Drosophila) 0.977
Foxh1 forkhead box H1 0.977
Tbx15 T-box 15 0.976
Nkx2-5 NK2 transcription factor related, locus 5 (Drosophila) 0.974
Wt1 Wilms tumor 1 homolog 0.973
Nog noggin 0.971
Pax9 paired box gene 9 0.970
Dkk1 dickkopf homolog 1 (Xenopus laevis) 0.970
Acvr1 activin A receptor, type 1 0.969
Twist2 twist homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.965
Wnt5a wingless-related MMTV integration site 5A 0.965
Rbpj recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region 0.963
Nr5a1 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1 0.963
Fbn1 fibrillin 1 0.963
Jag1 jagged 1 0.962
Rarb retinoic acid receptor, beta 0.962
Notch2 Notch gene homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.959
Hoxa9 homeobox A9 0.959
Hoxa2 homeobox A2 0.953
Twist1 twist homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.952
Mmp14 matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted) 0.952
Nodal nodal 0.951
Bcl2 B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 0.948
Hoxd9 homeobox D9 0.943
Ptf1a pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a 0.943
Notch1 Notch gene homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.942
Zic3 zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 3 0.937
Fgf15 fibroblast growth factor 15 0.934
Mks1 Meckel syndrome, type 1 0.930
Ednra endothelin receptor type A 0.929
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Caenorhabditis elegans
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
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Danio rerio
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 0.996
hoxa9a homeo box A9a 0.994
fgf8a fibroblast growth factor 8 a 0.989
hoxc6a homeo box C6a 0.988
hoxb5a homeo box B5a 0.988
hoxb5b homeo box B5b 0.986
hnf1ba HNF1 homeobox Ba 0.982
sox9a SRY-box containing gene 9a 0.979
hoxb3a homeo box B3a 0.970
hoxd11a homeo box D11a 0.967
shha sonic hedgehog a 0.963
eve1 even-skipped-like1 0.959
hoxc4a homeo box C4a 0.957
fras1 Fraser syndrome 1 0.956
gbx2 gastrulation brain homeo box 2 0.948
eya1 eyes absent homolog 1 0.948
hoxc8a homeo box C8a 0.943
hoxb1b homeo box B1b 0.940
prdm1a PR domain containing 1a, with ZNF domain 0.937
hoxa11b homeo box A11b 0.929
hoxa13b homeo box A13b 0.922
gsc goosecoid 0.920
cdx4 caudal type homeo box transcription factor 4 0.918
frem2a Fras1 related extracellular matrix protein 2a 0.907
gli1 GLI-Kruppel family member 1 0.903
chd chordin 0.901
hoxd10a homeo box D10a 0.899
hoxb6b homeo box B6b 0.898
bmp2b bone morphogenetic protein 2b 0.895
frem1a Fras1 related extracellular matrix 1a 0.887
hoxa9b homeo box A9b 0.886
lef1 lymphocyte enhancer binding factor 1 0.877
mib mind bomb 0.864
wnt5b wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5b 0.851
twist3 twist3 0.834
fn1 fibronectin 1 0.824
fgf10a fibroblast growth factor 10a 0.808
hoxc9a homeo box C9a 0.798
twist1b twist1b 0.798
bmp1a bone morphogenetic protein 1a 0.783
hoxa5a homeo box A5a 0.779
hoxd4a homeo box D4a 0.775
dlx5a distal-less homeobox gene 5a 0.775
hoxa4a homeo box A4a 0.774
pcsk5b proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5b 0.770
vcanb versican b 0.769
msxd muscle segment homeobox D 0.759
cyp26b1 cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 0.753
hoxd9a homeo box D9a 0.742
jag2 jagged 2 0.732
crabp2a cellular retinoic acid binding protein 2, a 0.713
ptch1 patched 1 0.695
pax2a paired box gene 2a 0.692
hmx4 H6 family homeobox 4 0.688
furina furin (paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme) a 0.686
six4b sine oculis homeobox homolog 4b 0.679
tbx1 T-box 1 0.676
atoh1a atonal homolog 1a 0.674
bmp2a bone morphogenetic protein 2a 0.673
runx2b runt-related transcription factor 2b 0.669
boc brother of CDO 0.668
col2a1a collagen type II, alpha-1a 0.647
fgf3 fibroblast growth factor 3 0.626
tp63 tumor protein p63 0.623
meis3 myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 3 0.613
wnt4a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4a 0.600
fgf24 fibroblast growth factor 24 0.590
msxb muscle segment homeobox B 0.584
hoxb2a homeo box B2a 0.574
hoxb4a homeo box B4a 0.561
ntla no tail a 0.558
pax8 paired box gene 8 0.554
gdf6a growth differentiation factor 6a 0.553
slc12a2 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporters), member 2 0.550
hoxb8a homeo box B8a 0.547
evx1 even-skipped homeobox 1 0.540
hoxc1a homeo box C1a 0.536
col1a1a collagen, type I, alpha 1a 0.528
tbx16 T-box gene 16 0.526
hoxd13a homeo box D13a 0.525
hoxb6a homeo box B6a 0.518
wnt3a wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 3A 0.512
flh floating head 0.512
dact2 dapper homolog 2, antagonist of beta-catenin (xenopus) 0.506
hand2 heart and neural crest derivatives expressed transcript 2 0.500
snai1a snail homolog 1a (Drosophila) 0.488
prrx1a paired related homeobox 1a 0.472
ihha Indian hedgehog homolog a 0.472
foxa2 forkhead box A2 0.465
dlx4a distal-less homeobox gene 4a 0.453
fgf4 fibroblast growth factor 4 0.447
pou5f1 POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 0.444
dlx3b distal-less homeobox gene 3b 0.438
rarab retinoic acid receptor, alpha b 0.437
hoxa3a homeo box A3a 0.436
ndr2 nodal-related 2 0.430
spaw southpaw 0.425
pitx3 paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3 0.425
itga3b integrin, alpha 3b 0.411
wnt2bb wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 2Bb 0.409
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Drosophila melanogaster
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Ras85D Ras oncogene at 85D 1.000
Rho1 CG8416 gene product from transcript CG8416-RB 0.999
ara araucan 0.998
Egfr Epidermal growth factor receptor 0.996
zip zipper 0.994
tkv thickveins 0.993
fz frizzled 0.993
fj four-jointed 0.993
kuz kuzbanian 0.992
fz2 frizzled 2 0.991
Moe Moesin 0.987
ed echinoid 0.986
Ser Serrate 0.985
arm armadillo 0.985
ds dachsous 0.984
mew multiple edematous wings 0.979
ct cut 0.974
how held out wings 0.973
CG32372 CG32372 gene product from transcript CG32372-RA 0.972
eya eyes absent 0.969
fng fringe 0.968
if inflated 0.967
Pkn Protein kinase related to protein kinase N 0.962
gbb glass bottom boat 0.959
Dll Distal-less 0.959
dally division abnormally delayed 0.957
chic chickadee 0.957
ci cubitus interruptus 0.956
vg vestigial 0.955
argos CG4531 gene product from transcript CG4531-RA 0.954
tsh teashirt 0.953
smo smoothened 0.953
ash2 absent, small, or homeotic discs 2 0.953
RYBP Ring and YY1 Binding Protein 0.952
nkd naked cuticle 0.948
JIL-1 CG6297 gene product from transcript CG6297-RA 0.947
puc puckered 0.946
mys myospheroid 0.946
Akt1 CG4006 gene product from transcript CG4006-RA 0.944
G-oalpha47A G protein oalpha 47A 0.938
Mkp3 Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 3 0.938
Rac1 CG2248 gene product from transcript CG2248-RA 0.938
N Notch 0.936
kn knot 0.936
Wnk CG7177 gene product from transcript CG7177-RA 0.936
csw corkscrew 0.936
Pcl Polycomblike 0.936
sqz squeeze 0.935
Ubx Ultrabithorax 0.935
hth homothorax 0.928
hh hedgehog 0.928
al aristaless 0.926
vvl ventral veins lacking 0.925
mam mastermind 0.922
spi spitz 0.922
sgl sugarless 0.921
nub nubbin 0.921
shg shotgun 0.918
Tollo CG6890 gene product from transcript CG6890-RA 0.916
hipk homeodomain interacting protein kinase 0.916
dve defective proventriculus 0.912
dsh dishevelled 0.912
LanB1 CG7123 gene product from transcript CG7123-RA 0.911
insc inscuteable 0.910
Su(z)12 CG8013 gene product from transcript CG8013-RA 0.906
Act5C Actin 5C 0.904
rl rolled 0.903
os outstretched 0.902
Bre1 CG10542 gene product from transcript CG10542-RA 0.899
Fmr1 CG6203 gene product from transcript CG6203-RC 0.898
Smr Smrter 0.890
RhoGEF2 CG9635 gene product from transcript CG9635-RF 0.889
mirr mirror 0.881
cos costa 0.877
dpp decapentaplegic 0.868
Cul-3 Cullin-3 0.868
dan distal antenna 0.867
fkh fork head 0.866
bi bifid 0.866
emc extra macrochaetae 0.860
ptc patched 0.856
Bx Beadex 0.853
Vang Van Gogh 0.844
Sp1 CG1343 gene product from transcript CG1343-RB 0.843
osa CG7467 gene product from transcript CG7467-RD 0.839
ap apterous 0.837
wg wingless 0.832
lola longitudinals lacking 0.829
ft fat 0.826
ss spineless 0.824
sbb scribbler 0.823
pnr pannier 0.822
Doc2 Dorsocross2 0.819
kel kelch 0.810
Kr Kruppel 0.808
sog short gastrulation 0.806
heph hephaestus 0.804
ttv tout-velu 0.803
lqf liquid facets 0.794
Lim3 CG10699 gene product from transcript CG10699-RB 0.791
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Homo sapiens
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
ZNF43 zinc finger protein 43 0.989
CTNNB1 catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1, 88kDa 0.898
ZNF253 zinc finger protein 253 0.807
ZNF273 zinc finger protein 273 0.764
JAG1 jagged 1 0.534
BMP2 bone morphogenetic protein 2 0.510
SKI v-ski sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (avian) 0.448
MEIS1 Meis homeobox 1 0.433
PSEN1 presenilin 1 0.408
SMAD3 SMAD family member 3 0.395
FKBP1A FK506 binding protein 1A, 12kDa 0.381
NOTCH3 notch 3 0.362
CDKN2A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (melanoma, p16, inhibits CDK4) 0.360
NKX2-5 NK2 transcription factor related, locus 5 (Drosophila) 0.358
SOX2 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 0.347
BMPR2 bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type II (serine/threonine kinase) 0.335
SKIL SKI-like oncogene 0.333
ZFYVE9 zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 9 0.307
ZNF675 zinc finger protein 675 0.293
SMAD4 SMAD family member 4 0.291
HDAC2 histone deacetylase 2 0.287
FGF1 fibroblast growth factor 1 (acidic) 0.277
SUFU suppressor of fused homolog (Drosophila) 0.276
ZNF117 zinc finger protein 117 0.274
TGFB1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 0.250
NOTCH1 notch 1 0.248
CREBBP CREB binding protein 0.240
BMP1 bone morphogenetic protein 1 0.234
ZNF708 zinc finger protein 708 0.230
SMAD2 SMAD family member 2 0.229
ZNF430 zinc finger protein 430 0.224
BMP7 bone morphogenetic protein 7 0.222
MMP14 matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted) 0.214
SIN3A SIN3 homolog A, transcription regulator (yeast) 0.211
MDFI MyoD family inhibitor 0.203
FHL2 four and a half LIM domains 2 0.189
ZNF91 zinc finger protein 91 0.188
AR androgen receptor 0.175
ZNF93 zinc finger protein 93 0.170
YY1 YY1 transcription factor 0.165
ARRB1 arrestin, beta 1 0.165
TCF7L2 transcription factor 7-like 2 (T-cell specific, HMG-box) 0.165
ZNF680 zinc finger protein 680 0.155
ELL2 elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 0.152
ZNF85 zinc finger protein 85 0.131
HOXA10 homeobox A10 0.129
PDGFRA platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide 0.124
TGFBR1 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 1 0.124
BMPR1A bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IA 0.117
SETD8 SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 8 0.114
FGFR2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 0.109
ZNF254 zinc finger protein 254 0.108
RXRA retinoid X receptor, alpha 0.100
BMP4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 0.094
FGF18 fibroblast growth factor 18 0.093
HDAC1 histone deacetylase 1 0.089
COL1A2 collagen, type I, alpha 2 0.089
BCL2L1 BCL2-like 1 0.089
HOXA11 homeobox A11 0.087
MEIS2 Meis homeobox 2 0.085
HOXD9 homeobox D9 0.084
PML promyelocytic leukemia 0.082
ATN1 atrophin 1 0.080
TRIP6 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 6 0.079
MLLT1 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 1 0.076
WNT1 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1 0.075
BCAM basal cell adhesion molecule (Lutheran blood group) 0.075
LRP6 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 0.074
RARA retinoic acid receptor, alpha 0.072
PSEN2 presenilin 2 (Alzheimer disease 4) 0.072
HOXD13 homeobox D13 0.071
HOXD11 homeobox D11 0.065
SMAD6 SMAD family member 6 0.062
GATA4 GATA binding protein 4 0.060
HOXB5 homeobox B5 0.059
ACVR1 activin A receptor, type I 0.059
RBBP4 retinoblastoma binding protein 4 0.057
VDR vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor 0.056
HOXC6 homeobox C6 0.056
FOXF2 forkhead box F2 0.055
COL7A1 collagen, type VII, alpha 1 0.055
COL2A1 collagen, type II, alpha 1 0.054
LBX1 ladybird homeobox 1 0.051
DLX4 distal-less homeobox 4 0.050
NGFR nerve growth factor receptor 0.046
FGFR1 fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 0.045
TGFB3 transforming growth factor, beta 3 0.044
PRRX2 paired related homeobox 2 0.042
TLE1 transducin-like enhancer of split 1 (E(sp1) homolog, Drosophila) 0.042
JAG2 jagged 2 0.041
TJP1 tight junction protein 1 (zona occludens 1) 0.041
FGF3 fibroblast growth factor 3 0.041
HOXD10 homeobox D10 0.041
WNT3A wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 3A 0.039
FSTL1 follistatin-like 1 0.039
FOXC2 forkhead box C2 (MFH-1, mesenchyme forkhead 1) 0.039
THBS1 thrombospondin 1 0.038
FGFR3 fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 0.037
STK36 serine/threonine kinase 36 0.037
HMGA2 high mobility group AT-hook 2 0.036
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Rattus norvegicus
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism
Lef1 lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 0.287
Fmod fibromodulin 0.233
Serpine2 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 2 0.201
Mmp13 matrix metallopeptidase 13 0.193
Prrx1 paired related homeobox 1 0.182
Ms4a2 membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 2 (Fc fragment of IgE, high affinity I, receptor for; beta polypeptide) 0.178
Eln elastin 0.165
Nkd1 naked cuticle homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.157
Ankrd1 ankyrin repeat domain 1 (cardiac muscle) 0.135
Htr2b 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2B 0.122
Gal galanin prepropeptide 0.118
Olfml2b olfactomedin-like 2B 0.116
Myh3 myosin, heavy chain 3, skeletal muscle, embryonic 0.105
C1qtnf5 C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 5 0.102
Scarf2 scavenger receptor class F, member 2 0.097
Col3a1 collagen, type III, alpha 1 0.094
Acvr1 activin A receptor, type I 0.090
Mmp9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 0.089
Dchs1 dachsous 1 (Drosophila) 0.087
Shox2 short stature homeobox 2 0.087
Lamc1 laminin, gamma 1 0.082
Tcf12 transcription factor 12 0.081
Timp3 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 3 0.077
Igfbp5 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 0.076
Fgf7 fibroblast growth factor 7 0.076
Ubtf upstream binding transcription factor, RNA polymerase I 0.073
Srpx sushi-repeat-containing protein, X-linked 0.073
Unc5b unc-5 homolog B (C. elegans) 0.071
Sod3 superoxide dismutase 3, extracellular 0.070
Slc9a1 solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 1 0.069
Nek9 NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)- related kinase 9 0.069
Figf c-fos induced growth factor 0.068
Gcm1 glial cells missing homolog 1 (Drosophila) 0.068
Fgfr1 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 0.068
Bst1 bone marrow stromal cell antigen 1 0.066
Nrg1 neuregulin 1 0.065
Icos inducible T-cell co-stimulator 0.063
Cyp21a1 cytochrome P450, family 21, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 0.063
Bgn biglycan 0.062
Prrx2 paired related homeobox 2 0.062
Ptprs protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, S 0.062
Capn6 calpain 6 0.061
Arsb arylsulfatase B 0.060
Ctrc chymotrypsin C (caldecrin) 0.058
Glg1 golgi apparatus protein 1 0.057
Bmp1 bone morphogenetic protein 1 0.056
Lamb2 laminin, beta 2 0.056
Chad chondroadherin 0.056
Phex phosphate regulating endopeptidase homolog, X-linked 0.055
Lect1 leukocyte cell derived chemotaxin 1 0.055
Serpinh1 serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade H, member 1 0.055
Pax8 paired box 8 0.054
Col12a1 collagen, type XII, alpha 1 0.054
Mmp14 matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted) 0.054
Snrpd2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide 0.054
Irs1 insulin receptor substrate 1 0.054
Fzd2 frizzled homolog 2 (Drosophila) 0.052
Galr2 galanin receptor 2 0.051
Ugt1a7c UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A7C 0.050
Mmp23 matrix metallopeptidase 23 0.050
Ccl11 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 11 0.049
Mcpt2 mast cell protease 2 0.049
Mog myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 0.049
Scn5a sodium channel, voltage-gated, type V, alpha subunit 0.049
Jak1 Janus kinase 1 0.048
Cox6b2 cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIb polypeptide 2 0.048
Mprip myosin phosphatase Rho interacting protein 0.048
Mefv Mediterranean fever 0.048
App amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein 0.047
Col5a2 collagen, type V, alpha 2 0.047
Pld1 phospholipase D1 0.047
Igf2r insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor 0.046
Expi extracellular proteinase inhibitor 0.046
Il8rb interleukin 8 receptor, beta 0.046
Ccna1 cyclin A1 0.046
Mybph myosin binding protein H 0.045
Trem2 triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 0.044
Pcnxl3 pecanex-like 3 (Drosophila) 0.044
Ptpn14 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 14 0.043
Mmp2 matrix metallopeptidase 2 0.043
Hrnbp3 hexaribonucleotide binding protein 3 0.043
Htr2a 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A 0.043
Bnc1 basonuclin 1 0.042
Bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 0.042
Tgfb2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 0.042
Col5a1 collagen, type V, alpha 1 0.042
Tacr1 tachykinin receptor 1 0.042
Col1a2 collagen, type I, alpha 2 0.042
Eef2 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 0.041
Hdac1l histone deacetylase 1-like 0.041
Ccdc3 coiled-coil domain containing 3 0.041
Mrgprf MAS-related GPR, member F 0.041
Csf3 colony stimulating factor 3 (granulocyte) 0.040
Dact1 dapper, antagonist of beta-catenin, homolog 1 (Xenopus laevis) 0.040
Chd4 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4 0.040
Myh9 myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle 0.039
Slc34a2 solute carrier family 34 (sodium phosphate), member 2 0.039
Gpc1 glypican 1 0.039
Pdgfrb platelet derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide 0.039
Cxcl2 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 0.039
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Name Description Probability Func Analog Organism